View Full Version : Worried about my daughter....,yet again :-(

15-12-16, 15:09
Hi there,

It's been a rough couple of days because the site I'm usually on is down and for some reason my HA has been super high. It's funny because I felt like I was searching for something to worry about and I couldn't find anything and now I found it. My 6 year old is a very active little girl, does gymnastics everyday, plays soccer, bike rides, you name it. She always has bruises on her shins because she has fair skin and she is active. But as of last night she had at least 6 bruises on one leg and about four on the other. Then I notice a tiny bruise on her chest area. I of course did the horrible thing of googling :lac: and low and behold lukemia pops up everywhere. Now I'm in full blown panic mode. I've attached a picture of her leg. What do any of you know of bruises, I always feel like they should show other symptoms if it's anything sinister, right? According to dr Google or other articles I read, that's not true.

15-12-16, 15:13
So logically, if she's as active as you're saying and always has bruises, what would be the logical cause for the bruises? The key here is the "logical" reason not the Dr. Google initiated panic reason.

Positive thoughts

15-12-16, 15:14
My kids Drs always told me the black and blue marks on their arms and legs were of no concern, it's the ones on the belly and back that have no explanation that are worrisome.

16-12-16, 01:27
My kids are always bruised up because they are kids. It's bruises one their trunk and back that you need to worry about

16-12-16, 03:29
So logically, if she's as active as you're saying and always has bruises, what would be the logical cause for the bruises? The key here is the "logical" reason not the Dr. Google initiated panic reason.

Positive thoughts

Agreed. It's like Occam's Razor: the simplest explanation is usually the right one.

16-12-16, 04:12
But she has a bruise on her chest, that's the one that has me really worried and she doesn't know how it got there. It's right below her breast. It's not large, it's about the size of a quarter.

---------- Post added at 20:12 ---------- Previous post was at 19:54 ----------

My kids are always bruised up because they are kids. It's bruises one their trunk and back that you need to worry about

She has a small bruise on her trunk

16-12-16, 05:02
Hi mthrof3grlies,

I have a 5 year old son who, since he was able to walk has had consistent bruising on him but it's because he is soooo active and it sounds as if your daughter is just the same. When I was a kid (i am also very fair skinned) and my best friend were very active and had bruises all over us from skateboarding, climbing etc. At one point I think my mom was convinced i was anemic and took me to the doctors to get me checked out and I am telling you I had bruising under my ribs, everywhere.
Don't google!!! Google is just the death of us all. It really is. I know how disconcerting it is to be worried about your child's health. Take her to see the doctor and get some tests done to ease your mind. I worry about my son's health if he is uncharacteristically lethargic (he just got over the flu) and he wasn't acting like himself. I saw the pic you posted and I should take a pic of my son's leg. I am telling you it's as if he is on a mission to cover himself. He is also really clumsy and he goes body first into everything!!

But from what I saw of the pics she looks fine. Or my son is not fine! and he just was at the doctors. STOP GOOGLING!!!!