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View Full Version : Scratched eyeball major panic

15-12-16, 16:50
Well it didn't take me long to get back online!
Last night my phone charger wire whipped me in the eye. Today my vision in that eye is a bit blurred. Is that normal? I'm freaking out I'm gonna go blind. I was gonna go to A&E but my family / boyfriend said they'll just tell you to rest it there's nothing they can really do.
Help me I'm scared I'll go blind / damaged forever

---------- Post added at 16:50 ---------- Previous post was at 16:18 ----------

Anyone? X

15-12-16, 16:51
Incredibly normal. It'll take a while, but you'll be fine.

15-12-16, 17:08
Thanks, so you don't think it's worth going to hospital? It's my boyfriends birthday and I'm ruining his day talking about it :(
I'm not imagining it though it's blurry in one eye, it's really freaking me out.

15-12-16, 17:17
When I was in school a classmate decided to flick my ear. I turned at the same time and took the flick directly into my eye. I had blurry vision and uncontrollable streams of tears for about a week. I still, nearly 25 years later, have 20/20 vision.

Your eye is hurt, but it is healing itself. It will be blurry. Give it time to do its thing.

15-12-16, 17:21
Thanks so much Kuatir made me feel lots better x

Catherine S
15-12-16, 19:18
Also, ask your local pharmacist about which eyes drops you could buy to soothe/ heal it and obviously if you wear contact lenses then wear your specs for a while instead. Pharmacists aren't used nearly as much as they should be, they are medically aware of such alot and can advise you about what you might need to do.


15-12-16, 22:30
I once rubbed my eye so much because it was so itchy that I tore a bit of the top layer. It took a long time for that sucker to heal. :D

It was itchy probably because of eye strain or pink eye. You will be okay just don't rub your eye no matter how much you want to.

15-12-16, 23:05
Thanks guys.
Anxietysucks was yours blurry? It's really annoying me now, making me worry :(
Thanks I Still Believe, I don't wear contacts or glasses xx

16-12-16, 01:13
Yes - there was a slight general blurriness and then the spot where the top layer was torn and it bugged me for so long. lol.

16-12-16, 01:21
your eyes are very efficient at healing, it will only take a few days
you're not gonna go blind

17-12-16, 11:21
Guys my eye is still funny :(
I keep closing the good eye to see how blurry the scratched one is, and it seems like only bright words are blurry, like on the TV or whatever? I dunno whether it's always been like that or whether is genuinely blurry but I can't stop closing one eye to check.
I'm worried I've done permanent damage. I've never had my eyes tested cos I'm always scared they'll find a brain tumour so I'm just really panicking incase I have to go see someone. My friends say there's no point going to a walk in centre cos there's nothing they can do about a scratched eye but I'm panicked x

Bike Rider
17-12-16, 11:54
Get yourself down to A & E, go to the eye dept and they will check you out. Been there loads of times with foreign object's in my eye's, no problem at all.

I do have a scratch though, from a piece of metal that got in and now, on a cold day, my eye might "water" a little.

Get your eyes checked, if they find anything they can usually put it right.

17-12-16, 12:04
Thanks. I was hoping to avoid going, it takes hours to be seen and everyone I've spoken to seems to think they'll just send me away and tell me it'll take a few days to heal or whatever.
Trouble is I don't know if just focusing on it too much, it's not like I have double vision or anything severe, just a little bit blurred when I close one eye and look at bright things.
The thought of an eye exam terrifies me as I am scared they'll find a tumour behind my eye

17-12-16, 12:13
Why on earth would anybody find a tumour behind your eye? That's pretty illogical. In any case they're only going to check your retina, and do it visually, from a (albeit short) distance. You can probably go on Monday, even an optician could probably do the first check-up and refer you to a doctor if they saw something that needed attention. I know of someone who accidentally got a clothes hanger in (read: on, onto) the eye, and it turned out fine but it took a while.