View Full Version : Stressing over skin cancer!!!!

15-12-16, 21:54
Hey guys! new here and really hoping for some help!

im 23 and have been quite moley all my life.

non of my moles have ever changed or look in any way shape or form, different to a normal mole.

this has only really been happening this year, since one of my favourites bands band member died of skin cancer this year and he was only 28!

i suffer from panic & anxiety attacks a lot (more recently than anything) which i think is causing these constant overthinking thoughts.

it feels like im obsessed with it!

its the worst feeling ever and i know im just overthinking it but i dont want it to ruin my relationship with the girlfriend, family, friends or work colleagues :(

any help or guidance on how to calm myself down would be greatly appreciated!


16-12-16, 01:53
have you thought about therapy ?

16-12-16, 13:13
What kind of therapy is there for things like this? I'm usually all about self help

16-12-16, 13:18
well, a lot of people on here seem to benefit from cognitive behavioural therapy.
self help is great, but if self is creating the problem, some outside influence
might work better

16-12-16, 14:02
If you are not seeking treatment for the anxiety/panic then it is time to go to see a GP. Or you can see if there is an IAPT service in your area. My GP pointed me in their direction, but you can call them without referral. I attended their stress management course (covers depression\anxiety) and found it very helpful for managing my anxiety.

I view CBT as self help. Simply because the patient needs to work on it themselves, you don't just see a therapist and suddenly get better.

16-12-16, 14:22
I'll have a look at therapy! I know self help is difficult when a lot of it is triggered by myself.

I have an issue now when a certain album comes on from a band I really like and I love the album, triggers these thoughts.

Is there any way this can be prevented where I can start listening to the music again without these thoughts or would it just be best to see a therapist/go regarding this