View Full Version : Worrying about cancer from CT scans and X rays?

15-12-16, 23:45
New member here and having a little anxiety. Currently a 22 year old male. First I had an abdominal X-ray when I was 20 for a possible hernia. Then a year later I had an abdominal ct scan, in the summer of 2015 when i was 21, for a possible ruptured spleen. Now just 2 months ago I had another abdominal X-Ray a year and 3 months after my Ct scan at the age of 22. These are the only x rays and ct scans I've had in past 10 years. Should I be worried and concerned that these tests will give me cancer like leukemia or lymphoma in the future? I'm worried I have screwed myself.

15-12-16, 23:57
Should I be worried and concerned that these tests will give me cancer like leukemia or lymphoma in the future? I'm worried I have screwed myself.

For what it's worth... No. I'm a cancer survivor. Guess what they treated me with? Yep.... besides the chemo, I had radiation 5 days a week for 6 weeks and enough to make the skin on my neck peel off, burn my throat to a crisp and shut down my saliva glands for a couple of years. You've had the equivalent of a few days in the sun.

Positive thoughts

16-12-16, 00:01
there is absolutely no scientific evidence at all that ct and X-ray scans increase
risk of cancer,
there's been a peer reviewed medical journal published in the American journal of clinical oncology in February this year of this subject

16-12-16, 18:50
there is absolutely no scientific evidence at all that ct and X-ray scans increase
risk of cancer,
there's been a peer reviewed medical journal published in the American journal of clinical oncology in February this year of this subject

Is this true? As I too worry about getting cancer from radiation from the mammograms I've had..

The abdomen isn't as sensitive as other tissue to radiation so I think you're be fine. 😊

16-12-16, 18:59
If this is true than most people could get cancer in the future, people have dental xrays, scans everyday. I have had so many xrays dental in my life so for general every couple of years, and a few because of abcesses and when my 2nd teeth were coming from, and xray for the brace i needed.

Also had a number of mri scans because of having NF, I have had a few CT scans, abdominal MRI and spinal MRI because of abdominal pain and spianl MRI because of NF.

Plus one nuclear MRI to see whether a pouch could be seen, as one was possibly picked up for the camera up mybackside,

16-12-16, 19:13
Is this true? As I too worry about getting cancer from radiation from the mammograms I've had..

The abdomen isn't as sensitive as other tissue to radiation so I think you're be fine. 😊

yes it is true , I would never make such a claim if it were not.
I first read it in medicalnewstoday.
the paper is by by professor James welsh , and published in the American journal of clinical oncology. it's an easy enough find.

16-12-16, 19:15
Search all you want. There are no documented cases of cancer that were caused by x-rays, CT scans or the like. Like I said, I had enough radiation during my treatment that I glowed in the dark (kidding), but I'm still here :)

Positive thoughts

17-12-16, 19:15
New member here. Currently a 22 year old male. First I had an abdominal X-ray when I was 20 for a possible hernia. Then a year later I had an abdominal ct scan, in the summer of 2015 when i was 21, for a possible ruptured spleen. Now just 2 months ago I had another abdominal X-Ray a year and 3 months after my Ct scan at the age of 22. These are the only x rays and ct scans I've had in past 10 years. Should I be worried and concerned that these tests will give me cancer like leukemia or lymphoma in the future? I'm worried I have screwed myself by getting all this unnecessary radiation.

17-12-16, 23:49
See your previous post.


Positive thoughts

17-12-16, 23:57
Okay, first of so what's done is done and there is nothing you can do about it.

Yes radiation has been linked to cancer, but x-rays pose minimal risk and depending on your size, one CT scan is also not horrible. Small people are affected slightly more than larger people. Women more than men.be careful with radiation as much as you can, but tests that use radiation are necessary sometimes so I would not worry too much about it.

My naturopath told me that radiation puts free radicals in your body and there are many things you can do to help your body get rid of free radicals. Epsom salt baths are my NDs favorite method, but she also talked about eating foods high in antioxidants.

Google antioxidants. Print out a list and eat from the list as much as you can :)

Here is a good website (it doesn't talk about radiation, but it addresses how to rid the body of these pesky radicals :mad:


I am no expert, but I have had many chest X-rays due to a positive TB test and also 3 CT scans and I am a fairly slender 5'3" woman. I had many worries about this and have calmed them by realizing I can't do anything now but make sure I am only irradiated if absolutely necessary. I also received good advice from the ND.

Hope that helps!


18-12-16, 01:23
All I can say is... Show me an actual documented case of cancer where the cause was definitively due to x-rays, CT scans and the like... (hint: there are none).

Besides, being that my H&N cancer was treated with 100X more rads than an x-ray or two, I should have cancer throughout my body! ;)

Positive thoughts

18-12-16, 03:42
the model that suggested this risk ( linear no threshold ) or LNT model
is over 70 years old and has been rejected by main stream science and world leading medical professors

27-12-16, 18:48
I'm 22 year old male. Ages between 16-20 I ate very very unhealthy and was l over 300 lbs. For 2 1/2 years I was drinking every weekend and smoked weed around 2 times a day for 2 1/2 years. Also I have smoked a total of 5 packs of cigarettes in life. I would have a cigarette maybe once every 2 weeks at bars. I haven't smoked either in over 6 months. Last I've had 2 abdominal x rays and 1 abdominal CT scan. I'm worried I have screwed myself and am worried I will get leukemia or some other bad cancer from the smoking and radiation from X-rays and cat scans. I have no cancer history in my family. Am I at a high risk for luekimia or other cancers in the next 5-10 years? I'm having bad anxiety over this and also seeing a therapist but she has no clue about health.

Gary A
27-12-16, 18:55
Smoking increases your risk of cancer, everybody knows that. The radiation from X-Rays, just no.

If you've given up smoking at the age of 22 then you have given yourself a wonderful opportunity for your body to heal from any damage the smoking has caused.

Nobody can tell you that you won't get cancer in the next 5-10 years, but it's unlikely in the extreme that smoking will be responsible for it before you're in your mid thirties.

27-12-16, 19:57
Ah you are fine!! 22 years old? no way. I used to smoke and I gave up 3 years ago (i am 41) and I am in good health. I am in no way suggesting that you continue smoking because it is a foolish decision on all accounts but your body will heal itself and at your age it will heal itself faster too! look at Keith Richards!! I can't even believe that guy is still alive. Plus my grandmother smoked sometimes 2 cigarettes at once (leaving one in the kitchen and forgot about it while smoking in the livingroom) She used to smoke copious amounts and inside too! she gave up at 60 and she is now 94 and wishing she could cross over at this point. Go and live your life!! you are 22!! That is such a great age to be. Think of all the great things you get to do at this age! This should be the best time. You are old enough to travel the world and date lots of people but young enough not to be bogged down with mortgage payments and kids! Go have fun you'll be fine.

27-12-16, 20:29
your 22...the only thing you should be worried about is what awesome thing your going to do next. I cant say 100% you wont, but I can say 99.99999999% youve made all the right changes, now go live life.

Rest easy.

09-01-17, 07:10
Thank you for the article.

I'm new. Just a bit about me. I was in a very abusive relationship, where I developed bad health anxiety. Since 22, years old. I've had 8 head CT , 2-3 chest ct, 3 abdominal CT. I'm 31 now (29 was my last). Plus many X-rays as I had respiratory infections my hole life. Anyhow, I too am probably glowing.

I'm glad to hear that news though. I'll read through the article now.

Have a good one!

09-01-17, 09:13
yes it is true , I would never make such a claim if it were not.
I first read it in medicalnewstoday.
the paper is by by professor James welsh , and published in the American journal of clinical oncology. it's an easy enough find.

I used to worry about this too after I had a thoracic scan and the student stuffed up and didn't take a clear enough pic so had to take a second one ( gah). Anyway I had a chat to my cousin who is a radiographer and she said she sees people who have weekly cat scans and they are ok. If you go onto radiology sites they can give you an approximate equivalent to background radiation for each type of scan. Also don't read medical news daily. I used to too but decided it tends to pick and choose it's data and contradicts itself every fortnight. You are better off reading from the national health data base research papers. I drank green tea for ages to try and protect myself from background radiation to try and make up for my X-rays. It's a bit retarded but it made me feel better ;)lol Also if you are referring to the same article i am thinking of they only found a very minimal ( almost not statistically relevant) increase in childhood leukaemia from X-rays as babies but that was only because children's cells are still forming not like an adult who already has developed.

11-03-17, 19:57
Im a 22 year old male. First I had an abdominal X-ray when I was 20 for a possible hernia. Then a year later I had an abdominal ct scan when i was 21, for a possible ruptured spleen. Now just 2 months ago I had another abdominal X-Ray a year and 3 months after my Ct scan at the age of 22. These are the only x rays and ct scans I've had in past 10 years. Should I be worried and concerned that these tests will give me cancer like leukemia or lymphoma in the future? I'm worried I have screwed myself by getting all this unnecessary radiation. I e read a lot online about how they have done studies and that I have like a 1 out of 1000 chance of getting a bad cancer. Does anybody know how accurate these studies are and if scans do cause cancer?

11-03-17, 19:59
I very much doubt these would cause you cancer.

11-03-17, 20:09

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

11-03-17, 20:09
Should I be worried and concerned that these tests will give me cancer like leukemia or lymphoma in the future?

NO... unequivocally NO! Search my replies on the subject.

Positive thoughts

11-03-17, 21:17

I have had a few scans during my lifetime, so due to my health condition NF, so had five brian scans, one of the specialist wanted to do a MRI scan of my spine as I have a curve back. I have had one CT scan for abdominal, one MRI for abdominal as I had bad abdominal pains as I thought it was bowel cancer, all it turned out was something common which i could have had it there since birth.

12-03-17, 02:44
Those tests do deliver radiation to your body. ALOT of them over a time period can have adverse effects. I imagine the amount you've had would not be of any concern. I'm 27 and have had more than you. Xrays give you very little radiation. CT scans give you more, but you didn't have a full body. Only abdominal.

Doctors typically take into account your past tests, and if there was any concern they would use a different imaging technique.

20-04-17, 19:25
I read this article this morning and got my heath anxiety flared up again. http://reliawire.com/childhood-ct-scans-cancer-risks/

I'm worried cause I've had an abdominal CT scan when I was 21 almost 2 years ago and had about 3-4 abdominal X-rays as well. I'm worried that the Ct scans going to give me lukekemia or some solid cancer down the road. I have done a lot of research and this topic is always being debated since no one has really proved CT scans as dangerous or not dangerous. Does anyone have any knowledge of what my odds are or if having one CT scan that I should be concerned about?

20-04-17, 19:31

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


07-01-18, 02:44
Im 23 year old male, I had an abdominal CT scan exactly 2 years and 4 months ago. Im still having bad anxiety that one of these days I'm going to be that 1 in 2,000 people who end up getting a malignant cancer from these tests. Ive also had 2 abdominal x-rays within past 2 years.

I've read numerous articles about how bad CT scans and X-rays are because of the radiation and the disruption it causes a cellular level. And that these scans are more harmful the younger you are. I've read that I have not only increased my risk of a bad cancer like leukemia (my worst fear) but that I also have increased my risk for a cancer to develop in one of my main organs that was in the scan.

I'm constantly worried that I will get a bad cancer and it causes me constant anxiety and I try hard to keep my mind off it. I'm just so scared of the future and that I'll be one of the unlucky ones.

Are CT scans really as bad as they say? And has anyone ever had one at a young age and have no problems till this day?

07-01-18, 02:51
I think if you need to worry then myself and hundreds of others here should be petrified because some of us have had a lot of scans. Stop worrying about it.

07-01-18, 08:44
Just during my treatment alone, I had enough radiation to burn the skin off my neck and turn my throat into a raw quivering mess rendering me unable to eat. Add to that a CT scan before each treatment (30 total - 5 days a week for 6 weeks) to aim the radiation. That's not counting all the x-rays, barium swallow tests, CT and PET scans prior and after or all the scans/tests since I was a teen.

There's no documented case that puts any of these tests as the prime cause for anyone's cancer. You won't find one.

Positive thoughts

07-01-18, 11:16
1 in 2000? Is that for real?? I'm surprised they do CT scans on anyone if they pose a 1 in 2000 risk of giving you cancer.

I heard that you're exposed to more ionising radiation just taking a commercial flight, but I don't know if that's true or not.

07-01-18, 14:14
You cannot do anything about any radiation exposure you have already had so dont waste your life worrying about something you cant change. What you can do is be aware in the future. 30 odd years ago due to spinal problems i had alot of xrays over 10 years before mri was easily available ib uk. I cant change that but since then i always ask if there is a non radiation test available. Drs are very blase about radiatiob as no one dr knows what radiological tests other drs have asked for.
Then there is people like fish whose nuclear medicine treatment is why he is with us now. Yes tgere are risks but the risks were small compared ro not having the treatment!
So if ct scans are offered question if its really needed or another non radiation test would be appropriate.

07-01-18, 22:21
I have one CT scans but countless MRIs scan and not due to health anxiety on most cases, it because I have NF so every 18-24 months I have a MRI brain scan. I have probably have more radition in daily life and going on planes than scans.

08-01-18, 05:24
I have had three scans in the last year, and from now on will get one a year monitoring my aortic aneurysm. My cardio thoracic surgeon says its actually less than 1 in 2000, honestly, and there is no telling that that 1 actually got it from the CT, that is just the suspected culprit.

08-01-18, 20:39
Yeah I have heard about the radiation pilots and flight attendants get during flights, and I looked it up and there isn't a spike in cancer rates in flight attendants and pilots which is weird. Also another weird thing is theres a tribe in the Himalayas that are exposed to more radiation daily than anyone else on the planet because of the altitude they live at, and for some reason they have one of the lowest rates of cancer on the planet.

I think CT scans shoot you with some much radiation in a concentrated area which then causes DNA damage. I just get anxiety because all the articles and things I've read say stay away from x-rays and Ct Scans especially at a young age cause it causes more damage and you have more time for something to develop over years.

08-01-18, 22:17
What you have read is correct BUT it only increases your risk it is not a certainty and you cannot take away any radiation you have already had by worrying about it!
There is a gentleman in the uk who was exposed to very high doses of radiation in a nuclear accident ( google windscale fire) back in 1950's and he lived into his 90's.

09-02-18, 02:31
Im a 23 year old male. Since last April I started having severe back pain opposite of where my stomach sits. Its near at the bottom of the ribcage on back left side. I have added a picture of where the pain is. (The red circle is where the back pain is around and the arrows are where the pain radiates up into my shoulder blade causing pain). I went to doctor and chiropractor and they said its probably a muscle. The pain got less severe over the summer but there was still constant pain. I went to the doctor again in October and they did a full blood count, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, and thyroid (everything came back normal) and said it was probably muscle again.

The pain has always been constant and hasn't improved or gotten worse. Its in the same spot on my back and seems to have been affecting the left back and left core. Its stayed pretty consistent in pain and I'm always uncomfortable. Also starting 3 months ago I have pain that radiates up into my left shoulder blade, which concerns me. My shoulder blade seems to always be in pain too now. Last, when I work out and do sit ups, the right side of my abs only burn. My left side of my core doesn't seem to work and or burn when exercising. The pain feels like its deeper inside my body but i can't tell.

I am worried that I have a sarcoma or some other tumor that is pressing on nerves and muscles in my back. I'm afraid the x rays and act scans caused something to grow.I don't know if i should go back to the doctor cause Im scared. The pain hasn't gone away since last April and I'm scared to death to find something bad. I haven't had any symptoms like fatigue, night sweats, fever, swollen lymph nodes, or weight loss. Only thing i would say is that I don't have an appetite anymore.

Anyone have any suggestions what I should do? My Health anxiety is through the roof right now.

09-02-18, 05:14
1 in 2000? Is that for real??

I heard that you're exposed to more ionising radiation just taking a commercial flight, but I don't know if that's true or not.

Yes it's true, a radiographer told me this when I went for a scan.

09-02-18, 08:50
My son was born with multiple organ abnormalities and had to have numerous CT scans and fancy scans with dyes and X-rays when he was a baby and throughout his early childhood. He's 32 now and hasn't been diagnosed with any cancers.

12-03-18, 06:30
Hey just a quick update. Has nothing to do with ct scans or X-rays. I went to my Socorro a month ago and asked about back pain and abdomen pain and shoulder blades pain. He said it was pork ably muscle tears or strains. I then went to a back specialist who does massages on back stiff. She said the same thing and told me it was muscle strain. I have gone to 3 sessions once a week and still I have not gotten better.

I'm angry that it's been almost a full year now since my back pain has started and I still have it. It's now starting to cause hip pain in my left hip and lower back pain. I still have zero alarming symptoms like fatigue, fever, night sweats and lose of weight. The back pain is constant in my lower left ribcage on back and wraps around my side to my abdomen on bottom left rib cage. Should I worry about cancer?

12-03-18, 08:17
I've had a CT scan and I asked the technicians about radiation and they said the CT technology now has come on leaps and bounds and it's a low dose so low it's negligible. They even do scans of pregnant women.