View Full Version : Is this social anxiety?

16-12-16, 09:54
I'm 22 and have a 9 month old baby. I suffer with health anxoety and depression and am in an emotionally abusive relationship which I am having support with. I was wondering if this sounds like social anxiety? For the beginning when my baby was born I would go out and about then I started getting symptoms of dizziness etc which has left me petrified of leaving the house for months. I'll only go out with my partner. I don't like having people round because I feel like I can't look at them, I go very tense and emarrese and feel that they notice what's wrong with me. I mess up mt words and my mouth goes stiff where I can't actually soeak property. My cheeks hurt and ache and I get head jerks and twitches. I'm so petrified about what this could be... could this be something physical going on? It got so bad tje other day I had to go to a children's party and I felt like everyone was liking at me. The music was loud and the lights were very bright. I felt like I was going to collapse I felt so tired and couldn't swallow. Does this sound like social anxoety?

16-12-16, 11:27
Yes could very well be social anxiety. 2 or 3 years ago I went to a children's party. I didn't know a soul and took my e reader to keep me busy. I was shaking the whole time, it was absolutely hideous. I wouldn't be able to do it all again.

Everything you have written sounds like some form of mental health issue. Be it anxiety and all its forms and depression. I too worry about mine being physical as I know it's hard to accept (how can anxiety/depression. cause my hair to go frizzy for example), but if you've been tested at the doctors then unfortunately you have to try to accept it's anxiety or depression and try to find ways to overcome it..

16-12-16, 14:48
Yes, or maybe agoraphobia. Or it could just be part of GAD, if you have that. I've had all this with my GAD. Social Anxiety and agoraphobia can often be found together, I seem to recall.

Given what you are going through, which I hope is sorted out and you get the support you need to get through that, it's not surprising that your self confidence is going to be greatly knocked. So, perhaps as you work on recovery you will naturally bounce back?

23-12-16, 18:43
yeah maybe agoraphobia