View Full Version : Is it normal to see a foggy globe around street lights and traffic lights?

16-12-16, 10:43

I'm not sure if this is something I've always experienced or something I've just really focused on as part of my vision anxiety, but I've been noticing foggy globes/haloes around street lights and a glow around brake lights of cars just on front of me in traffic.

I don't know if this is normal, or if it's always been this way? There is no defined outer ring or rainbows, they sort of look like this - http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/12/22/24369DE400000578-2882983-image-a-31_1419209675148.jpg or this http://lonehill.info/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/street-lights.jpg

I also notice them around the lights on the Christmas tree when I'm near them, they each have their own little glow.

I had an eye test in September and everything looked normal. I just want to know if this is something I should be concerned about or is it completely normal? I feel like I should be seeing lights like this instead of the glow that accompanies them - http://cdn29.us1.fansshare.com/images/venice/venice-italy-venezia-saint-st-marks-cathedral-street-lamps-lights-night-by-nick-saglimbeni-at-night-412776701.jpg

16-12-16, 10:45
I hope so because that's how I see them too.

16-12-16, 10:51
you're always going to see a glow from around a light source .
especially an artificial light source
have you thought that maybe you're paying more attention to
it than usual ?