View Full Version : Ongoing headache saga...

16-12-16, 11:17

I have posted a few times now about my month long headache.

It initially felt like a sinus headache and then last week changed to a throbbing one sided headache.

Now it is back to a sinus feeling one.

I woke up yesterday with a sore neck, both sides and my ears hurt as well as my jaw. I blew my nose this morning and (sorry to be gross) had the smallest amount of green discharge.

Ive just been to the GP who said my ears are clear and maybe my neck hurts because I slept funny.

I told him Id been to see an opthalmologist and asked if I had a brain tumour, could they see it at the back of my eyes. He said it would depend on what type of brain tumour it was.

I really dont know how much more I can take, Im so worried.

Thank you for reading my waffle.

Liz xx

16-12-16, 13:09
you asked your doctor a hypothetical question, and you got a hypothetical answer.
try not to read too much into it, do you see how you're kinda bringing anxiety on yourself ?
green discharge, doesn't that sound more like slight infection rather than brain tumour?

16-12-16, 13:56
How are you treating the headaches?

16-12-16, 13:58

I was taking iburofen and paracetomol, then got worried about rebound headaches and so now, nothing.

16-12-16, 14:09
Yeah, they are more common in tension headache sufferers. However, if you are sticking to the medicine guidelines then you should be fine. They tend to occur if you bang down more painkillers the second the current ones start to wear off.

Were they working when you were taking them?

16-12-16, 14:13

Yes, they were working. x

16-12-16, 16:18
Well anxiety causes tension and therefore headaches. I suggest working at reducing that tension (muscle relaxation exercises and things like Yoga/Pilates can be great for this) and so long as you stick to the instructions painkillers should be fine for the short term.