View Full Version : Chest pressure

16-12-16, 16:28
I'm not sure whether chest pressure is the correct description. Ir's this feeling under my sternum. It kinnda feels like there is gas stuck there and a really good burp would release it, but the ones I have had don't help. I woke up with it this morning and it came back around 3 p.m. also had a strong feeling if this on Sunday.

Does your anxiety/reflux chest pain feel like this?

To be clear, I don't think it's something sinister, but I am just wondering. I am waiting for an appointment with a psychologist re my anxiety and got some tablets from GI in case this is reflux.

Is there anyway to releave this feeling?

16-12-16, 16:41
Sounds like reflux... You can try some OTC relief like Maalox or Gas-X. Can't hurt.

Positive thoughts

16-12-16, 18:40
Thanks for the reply.

I had an appointment and it seems to have passed sometimes during so I suppose it could be just anxiety.

I have some pills for reflux though so I suppose I will give it a try to see if that is the culprit here.

16-12-16, 20:51
I had this back in the summer. I was prescribed 40mg Omeprazole first for 2 months which did nothing. Doctor switched me to 30mg Lansoperazole and it felt easier within a few days. After a month on the Lansoperazole it disappeared altogether. I'm now off the PPi's and this only comes back if I eat too much Fatty/Spicy/Citrus food.