View Full Version : Really worried

16-12-16, 17:17
Hi can anyone put my mind to rest as all day I've this horrible feeling in my stomach and I just feel something ain't right and have been getting intrusive thoughts and it's really worring me because of the way I'm feeling I keep thinking does it mean that I'm feeling suicidal Even tho I don't even know how that fels like but it's really worring me I've telling myself that it's just feelings and thoughts And don't mean anything and it's just anxiety but it doesn't seem to help much I don't know if it's because I keep questioning myself why I'm feeling like this that I'm trying to look for answers and it's just making me feel worse as , sorry it's hard to explain how I feel it's just I feel something ain't right if that makes sence and it's rally worrying me thk you

16-12-16, 19:06
Hi there , I've had a day like yours , haven't felt to well and the anxiety is making me question it so much it's made me a lot worse , think I'm literally worrying myself sick , I think if I could calm my mind down I'd be back to just feeling a bit run down and ill, maybe it's the case with you as well , I feel suicidal quite often but I don't want to die I just don't want to feel the way I do at the time , it does pass it's just hard to see it right now , maybe tomorrow will be a better day for us both , take care .

16-12-16, 19:35
Thk u buster like you said hopefully it will pas and tomorrow will be a better day for us both it's just this wired feeling in the top of my stomach that is bothering me a lot too aswell as the feeling something ain't right not sure if it's just a nervouse feeling in my stomach I have or it's something physical wrong xx

16-12-16, 19:42
From experience when we worry somthing always hurts for me right now it's my head neck and chest , sometimes my stomach gives in or my shoulder and back , it's no bloody fun is it , it will pass .

16-12-16, 19:47
It isn't oh well the joys of anxiety xxx