View Full Version : Lymph node terror part 2

16-12-16, 18:23
So I posted a short while back about one of my lymp nodes on the neck was slightly swollen, which terrified me. Thanks to some nice replies and also my doctor I was put at ease. However, since then things have become radically worse. I have developed 6 more palpable nodes on my neck, some almost being as far down as my collar bone. Needless to say this sent my anxiety to unknown heights. I went to my doctor again, he examined them quickly and told me he wasn't worried. Because of this nonchalant and very quick way he did this it didn't put me at ease at all. But then things got even worse. While I was laying on my bed I felt four more swollen/palpable nodes, this time in the groin area. Several panic attacks later I am back at my doctor for the third time this week. He examined all the nodes, and once again said he wasn't worried. Sadly, I am still very worried. My neck aches because of how tense I am and I burst into tears at random. It really takes almost everything I have to keep the panic attacks at bay. I just don't know what to do.

I realise I should get help to deal with this anxiety and I already made an appointment with a psychologist through my doctor but sadly the waiting list is pretty long. Anything you could share is appreciated, thank you.

16-12-16, 20:13
Clearly your doctor failed you by not taking the time to discuss your nodes and why he isn't concerned about them. I'm not a doctor, but can tell you what I've been told with my lymph node concerns in the past.

Lymph nodes can swell for tons of reasons. Any minor bug or infection, even one without obvious symptoms, can do it. They can also swell if you poke and prod at the region too much. Lymph nodes can become permanently palpable, sometimes referred to as "shotty", for little to no reason.

Doctors only feel the need to investigate a small number of nodes because they have ways to immediately identify a suspicious node from a normal node or a reactive node (a node that is palpable due to an infection). Among them: Is the node symmetrical? Is the node hard and immovable? How large is the node? Your doctor felt them, asked himself these questions and others, and that's how he came to his conclusion. He almost certainly didn't write it off.

I personally have 4 swollen "shotty" inguinal nodes, hard and immovable, in my right side (and have had them for years). The doctor did not think they were trouble, but blood tests and an ultrasound further dismissed them as an issue. I also have a pea-sized node on my right neck that is within normal size range.

Many of us have had these concerns. All of us thought cancer. It's almost always nothing.

Positive thoughts.