View Full Version : Irrational fears

Sam Winter
16-12-16, 18:34
I know health anxiety can cause us to have quite irrational fears but can they get really crazy? i find myself thinking of some ripe things sometimes, i've just been wrapping presents and after drinking the left side of my throat felt weird and i literally thought some sticky tape was stuck to the inside of it! i really embarrass myself sometimes and i guess it just annoys me that i'm so incapable of being rational, it makes me embarrassed to be around anyone because i get terrified over the smallest things, it just sucks i guess :shrug: x

16-12-16, 18:43
Yeh, I used to get thoughts like that.

I laugh at the now, and try and distance myself from them. The mind likes to play tricks, and the better you get at spotting and ignoring them, they soon go away.

16-12-16, 18:56
When I was about 7 I drank from a cup that still had a bit of soap left in it. I got scared and asked my brother if it was dangerous. Being a great older brother he told me that I would die from it. Spent the rest of the day checking my tongue in front of the mirror. Sometimes people believe the strangest things, even if they aren't generally anxious (I wasn't at that time).

Sam Winter
17-12-16, 19:39
Thanks for the helpful words guys! I'm getting better at it, I just ate some rice pudding and had some horrible reflux, my fluids tried coming up so I stupidly thought it was because the rice was kinda blocking my throat up but now I've managed to realize I've drank a lot and ate a lot of liquids so that's probably why, I wish I could over the fear of choking and my fear of my reflux, I'm not looking forward to Christmas I can tell you that much lol x