View Full Version : Can that really happen?

Better days
16-12-16, 18:47
Hi guys. Yesterday after having a couple of better days I played golf in morning then done some decorating in house in the afternoon. Then around 4.30 from nowhere I felt really nasious/sick/ill......can Anxiety do that? Hat a reasonably good day with little worries up till then. Thanks in advance.

16-12-16, 18:49
Nausea is completely common. It can be caused by many things, but is often just a transitional thing and nothing to get concerned over.

Better days
16-12-16, 18:54
Just so frustrating when you think having a good day then for no apparent reason feel terrible.....which has made today tough also...

19-12-16, 16:15
I get a wierd all over sensation and feel all shaky, sick and spaced out. Happens out of nowhere. First one was last Tuesday and had another (smaller) one today. Today's one almost felt like I 'caught it' before it turned into something bad? My heart was pounding! I wasn't even doing anything, just sitting at my desk working!!