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16-12-16, 19:17
Just had another dry heaves attack, this one was one of the worst I have ever had though, it was so violent that I felt like I was going to vomit blood or tear my internal organs.

I was literally on the verge of going to A&E but I calmed down in the end.

Do you lot think I should get re-refered and get an endoscopy done once and for all? We can attribute it to anxiety all we like but the fact of the matter remains that this has been going on for 5 years now and I am getting worse, endoscopy is the one test that can tell me one way or another if there is a physical illness aggravating my anxiety.

Thoughts and opinions please.

*The blood tests I had done this week all came back clear.

16-12-16, 20:19
Hi , I know it's tough that it's gone on so long but if it were somthing serious I would have thought you would be in hospital or the graveyard and with the blood tests clear that's a positive point , I know what it's like I've had chest and throat problems for 7 months it drags you down to a point you will believe anything could be going on , take care .

16-12-16, 23:21
There is an old mantra that says if you always do the same things you always get the same results. I think it is particularly apt for anxiety.

I guess my point is you have a choice in what you do: - (a) treat the anxiety that is the most likely cause of your symptoms by seeking help (b) get the endoscopy which would at least provide you temporary relief when you get the all clear (c) do nothing.

For me (a) is the positive choice here, although (b) also would be better than (c).