View Full Version : Good and bad of celxea

17-12-16, 02:43
Hi all I wanted to share my experience from taking celxea and what I had learned from it
So some quick info I has on celxea years ago and came off it for years! And I was just fine so there's your first good stuff. U can come off meds and be just fine. In November I had a hard relaspe of my anxiety and restarted the meds.
I was on 20mg for two weeks and was was ok for the most part the first week was difficult and the second week I was like normal.
The start of the third week is put up to 30mg and that is when the side effects rly hit me. I had insomnia loss of apatie loss of interest in things higher amount of anxiety depression was tired all the time. On because this was all going at the same I started to have irrational thoughts or suicidal ideation which ever you what to call it. That was the most scary part and it was so hard to deal with. But I did not want to do anything to myself I really just wanted relief from my all the other symptoms I had.
Iam nearly at 4 weeks at 30mg and nearly 6 weeks all together on celxea iam just now getting the therputic benefits and the sides have started to disappear.
So for everyone reading this that all sounded bad do and I won't lie to me seemed like i would never get better. BUT it really does get better it will take awhile and I won't sugar coat it will be hard for a few weeks some people more some people less. Everyone is differnt with how they'd handle the meds. Don't be afraid to ask about how ur feeling with doctor or even the phaemacy people. It's normal to to take 6-8 weeks for this to rly work if you feel it is too much you can come off the meds.
The pills really do help almost all side effects are pretty common and do go fade away. Stick with it everyone you can do it :)