View Full Version : My Health Anxiety Story

17-12-16, 03:24
Hello to all of my fellow health anxiety suffers,

My name is Lily, and I joined this website in March of 2015, due to concern over some lymph nodes. Up until college, I never worried about my health much at all. If I felt something "weird" or "off" about my body, I would just ignore it until it went away. I was never concerned, and I definitely never jumped to the worst possible conclusions, like I do now. I'm not sure when, or how exactly everything changed, but it did. I now constantly worry about my heath, and I always think something is severely wrong with me.

I've been down the "breast cancer" road. I had pain in and around my left breast, and I was certain that I could feel a lump in there. My doctor gave me a breast exam, and she told me that she did not feel anything at all. I did not believe her, so she referred me for an ultrasound, which showed nothing at all. And the pain went away. How much of that pain was psychosomatic? I'll never know.

Next, I went down the "lymphoma" road, a road that I am still currently on. I found four palpable lymph nodes in my lower cervical region and near my collar bone in March of 2015. My doctor felt them, and she said they were small and of no concern. She told me to return in six weeks to see if they change in size or texture. I returned and she once again told me that I was fine. She referred me for an ultrasound for my own reassurance; the ultrasound did indeed show the four lymph nodes, the biggest being a 1.4 cm right supraclavicular node. She was not concerned, and I completely forgot about it, as I moved on to other worries, as many of you fellow health anxiety sufferers are probably very familiar with.

The health worry I moved on to was ovarian cancer. I was having persistent left sided lower abdominal pain and back pain. After many months of testing and many emergency room visits, an ultrasound showed that my ovaries were covered in cysts. I was referred to an endocrinologist to test for PCOS. My hormone and glucose levels were normal, so I did not have PCOS. The endocrinologist referred me for a abdominal and pelvic CT scan, which came back basically normal. It only revealed a small (estimated to be 7 mm) cyst on my spleen. The person who read the CT scan stated that it was so small that they weren't entirely sure what it was. My doctor said that it was of no concern and hesitated even mentioning it to me because she knows how I am. That fear about ovarian cancer passed, and I actually did really well for many months.

Most recently, I have circled back to lymphoma. I started nursing school in August of 2016. Many people may question how a person with health anxiety can do anything in the medical field, but i do believe it is my true calling and I am not going to let my mental illness stop me from doing what I want to do in life. We began talking about lymph nodes in one of my classes, and I immediately thought, "I wonder if my lymph nodes are still there?" I felt my neck, and sure enough they were. It reignited my fear about lymphoma, so I returned to the doctor (by this time I had since switched from my old doctor). My new doctor felt them, and said that he is 99% sure that they are nothing serious being that they have been there for one year and 10 months, and having no other symptoms like night sweats, itching, fever, weight loss, etc. He said that he could see how scared I was and referred me to an ENT specialist. The ENT specialist felt them, and said he is 97% that nothing is going on. He offered for me to have a biopsy just to know once and for all, and even stated "I have never found cancer unless I was specifically looking for it." You would think I would feel some sort of reassurance, but I do not.

This brings me to today, and what prompted me to write this. I saw my doctor today and it kicked me off into a panic attack. For the past three weeks, I have been having back pain when I take a deep breath in (he diagnosed it as costochondritis). In my mind, I was thinking I was having the pain because I had a tumor in my chest pressing on things. Also, I have had what I think is an occipital lymph node. Being that I already have lymph nodes I'm quite worried about, I became quite alarmed. My doctor felt it and actually thinks it's a tight muscle, and he stated that even if it is a lymph node, he is not concerned. Lastly, I asked him about my right supraclavicular lymph node. He said that he has felt lymph nodes of people who had cancer, and that mine does not feel like that. He did not recommend any further testing; however, I am taking the ENT specialist up on his biopsy offer (scheduled for February 1st). He said to just keep an eye on it, which is easy for him to say and hard for someone with health anxiety to do. The lymph node according to my ultrasound in April of 2015 was 1.4 cm. It is kind of firm, and very movable. Being that it is larger than 1 cm, painless, firm, and in a very scary area (supraclavicular region), I still panic about it.

Between each major health anxiety scare, I have had multiple small ones. Every little pain or weird symptom, my mind goes to lymphoma. I constantly check the lymph node, and it is so, so hard to stop myself. Every where I look, I feel as if I see, read, or hear things about lymphoma. And as crazy as it sounds, I feel as if it's a sign from a higher power that I do have lymphoma. I look all over the internet for people who also have supraclavicular lymph nodes and turned out to be okay. Those stories are few and far between, which is very scary and discouraging for me. I have visions of myself having to quite school in the middle of the semester, in order to endure chemotherapy. I have visions of me being bald and constantly ill from the chemo. It's awful, and it makes me sick to my stomach to think this may be my future.

I felt the need to write this in order to get some things off my chest, and more importantly, to let other people on here know that they are not alone. At times on this website, my posts have been ignored. I know that it's because sometimes people don't know what to say, but it does feel bad for me to have my posts ignored when looking for reassurance. At other times, some people have made me feel bad for posting or looking for reassurance. I believe this website should be a safe space to act as "crazy" as we want to. I use the term "crazy" lightly, because I know we've all felt that way at times lol. My family and friends have no idea how to handle me and some of the things I think, so that is why I come on here. I want anyone on here looking for reassurance or simply someone to read their story or talk to, to know that I am here. For anyone that took the time to read this far, thank you from the bottom of my heart. For anyone that got this far, you can ALWAYS private message me if need be. Especially for anyone with lymphoma worries or supraclavicular lymph nodes, please do message me. I know that this a common worry for people on this site, and we are in this together. Please reply with your stories or current worries, I'd love to read them and respond.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful forum and for being a great support system for me. :hugs:

UPDATE: My biopsy on my lymph node got moved from February 1st to January 11th, due to a cancellation. I'm extremely nervous about what the results of the biopsy will be, and my mind automatically goes to the worst possible conclusion. I will update again on January 3rd (my pre-op consultation), January 11th, and then whenever I get the results of my biopsy. I'm maintaining these updates for other people that worry about their lymph nodes because I know that threads with no conclusion can make you feel more anxious.

January 3rd 2017 UPDATE: Today I went to my ENT for a pre-op consultation. I signed a bunch of paperwork recognizing the risks of the surgery and anesthesia. I was offered to do local anesthesia, local anesthesia with a sedative, or general anesthesia. I still haven't decided which I want to do. He also sent me for blood work to make sure that I am okay for surgery (this brings new fears that the blood work will reflect my fears of lymphoma or something being wrong to where I can't have the surgery and then I must prolong this suffering of not knowing). When discussing my lymph node, he estimated the size to be between 1.5 cm and 2.0 cm. That really worried me because my ultrasound from a couple years ago stated that it was 1.4 cm. This leads me to believe that it grew, which is obviously not a good sign at all. I had been messing with the lymph node quite a lot today before seeing my ENT, so I'm hoping that is what caused it to be bigger. It is quite odd because sometimes my lymph node feels big and literally 30 minutes later it will feel smaller, some days it feels firm, and other days it feels soft. I have read of people that had lymphoma whose lymph nodes did that which causes me to worry. I told my ENT that I'm very worried about the results of the biopsy and he said, "I would put my money on this being a reactive node. I feel that once I meet with you for the follow-up appointment after the surgery, I will be able to tell you this was a reactive node and you can forget about this whole thing. I have never found cancer unless I was specifically looking for it. This is being done to give you peace of mind, and there is a lot to be said for having peace of mind." My mother was also with me and asked, "Have you ever had a lymph node like this on other patients that turned out to be benign?" and my ENT replied, "Oh, all the time." While that is encouraging, I am obviously still very worried for both the surgery itself and the results. My next update will be after I have the surgery to remove the lymph node.

January 11th 2017 UPDATE: I had the surgery today, under general anethesia. I decided on general so that way I could just fall asleep and wake up with it all being over. That part was not so bad. My throat is extremely sore from the tube they put down my throat, and the spot where they did the biopsy is sore as well, but not excruciating. My surgeon came out and told my mom that he removed two lymph nodes instead of one, the biggest one being 1.5 cm, so very close to the original ultrasound report I had. I had been poking the lymph node literally right up until I went into the operating room, so that may be why it was a bit bigger (at least that's what i'm hoping for). He said he removed the second one just to be thorough. He also saw others, but said they were all normal in size. My mom asked if he's concerned that the biopsy will come back bad, and he said that he's not concerned at all, and says the nodes look reactive in nature. My next appointment with him is on Tuesday, and the results should be in by then. He said if they aren't, then he will call me when they are. The waiting is terrifying, and all I can do is pray my doctor is right.

January 17th 2017 UPDATE: I went for a follow-up appointment today. I got my stitches out. The healing process is not bad at all. There is a little bit of soreness and stiffness, but nothing awful. I only took ibuprofen the night of the surgery for pain, and have not needed anything since. The results of my biopsy are not in yet, but my doctor said to me, "Don't worry, they will be normal." I know doctors do not say those things unless they are nearly 100% sure. I am still however very worried.

January 23rd 2017 UPDATE: After not receiving my biopsy results for nearly two weeks, I called my doctor's office. The receptionist said the results were still not in yet, but that she would contact the place where the lymph nodes were sent, and for me to call back in an hour. I called back an hour later, and she informed me that my results were in, but that the doctor would have to review them first and that they'd call me later. *QUEUE PANIC* I of course started worrying that the results would be bad, but I tried to reassure myself that if they were bad the receptionist wouldn't have to call pathology to the get the results, pathology would have already sent them. About two hours later, I get another call. It was the receptionist informing me that the results are that it's a normal lymph node! I cannot express how happy I am to have this news. Part of me has a hard time believing it because I was so convinced that the result would be lymphoma. But it isn't, it's just a normal lymph node! I hope that this gives someone out there a little bit of hope that not all supraclavicular lymph nodes are a death sentence. If you have one, yes absolutely get it checked out, but trust your doctor when they tell you that you are okay. I know that is WAY easier said than done. For the past two years, my doctors have been right all along. In terms of my actual incision, there is still a fair amount of swelling. The area feels very hard, and almost looks there's another, bigger lymph node in place of the one that was taken out. So if anyone gets this procedure done, don't panic if you see that, my doctor informed me that this is normal. Other than the swelling, the area is still tender, and its hard to turn my head in certain directions. I will come back and update a few more times as the area heals, just so if anyone out there is getting a biopsy done, they have some idea of what to expect. I know its hard to find stories online of biopsies as the person is going through it, and ultimately what their result was. I didn't want to leave you guys hanging, and I really do hope that this makes people feel better about their lymph nodes. I had one in the "worst" area you can have one, and it was okay!

August 20th 2017 UPDATE: I haven't logged on for quite some time because I have been doing fairly well recently. I've had a few minor worries that have popped up here and there over the past few months, but I have worked through them. Just to give an update on the lymph node situation, the scar from my surgery has healed beautifully and you can hardly tell I've had anything done. I try not to worry about my lymph nodes any longer. I do have one in the occipital area on the left side of the back off my head that keeps popping up. I did see the doctor for it, and he said he was not concerned because it gets bigger and smaller, and that because that area is very muscular, sometimes lymph nodes get trapped between muscles thus making them easier to feel. He would only be concerned if it were to keep growing. I have tried to accept that as the truth, and try to remain as rational as possible about the situation. I do hope this thread helps anyone struggling with lymph node anxiety, or just health anxiety in general. As always, message me if you need to talk!

17-12-16, 07:10
Hi Lily

Did not want to read and run, I can resonate so much with a lot of your post. Thank you for sharing. I have had health anxiety for a long time now, I had therapy and it helped a lot but it is definitely still there so this site is so good to have as an outlet to our fears x

17-12-16, 08:24
Hi Lily you sound so much like me! This past year I have went from cervical cancer,breast cancer,skin cancer,ovarian cancer and this week I have had both breast cancer again and skin cancer.

I cannot control myself especially last night couldn't rest/settle couldn't sleep my skin was so itchy!

All over this freckle that has been on my arm.It first appeared with a black scab so I picked it of and now I've got a brown little freckle! Of course now my mind is telling me that I have melanoma and it's spread all over! I'm a total mess today.

Here if you want to talk xx

17-12-16, 09:27
Hi Lily. Sorry you are going through this. Health anxiety is so difficult for non sufferers to understand. I hate it when people say just stop worrying and wasting your life over this. If it was that easy all of us would willingly stop worrying. None of us are making our symptoms up, but we are attaching more importance to them than is needed. There are some good HA books out there. One I go back to when I'm in a HA loop is 'it's not all in your head". You can Google the title. Hope things improve for you.

17-12-16, 19:48
Thank you for sharing your story Lilly. I helps to know I am not alone in my crazy thoughts like you said :)

I don't know how to make this end and can't help but think it's anxiety for everyone else, but that I'm different. I really want to move on and feel better.

I applaud you for going to nursing school. Hopefully more information will ease your mind...


17-12-16, 21:59
Hi Lily

Did not want to read and run, I can resonate so much with a lot of your post. Thank you for sharing. I have had health anxiety for a long time now, I had therapy and it helped a lot but it is definitely still there so this site is so good to have as an outlet to our fears x

Thank you so much for taking the time to read. I am so happy to hear that therapy has helped you. I am going to start therapy soon, and while it does seem hopeless at times, knowing it helped you does help me. :hugs:

---------- Post added at 13:55 ---------- Previous post was at 13:53 ----------

Hi Lily you sound so much like me! This past year I have went from cervical cancer,breast cancer,skin cancer,ovarian cancer and this week I have had both breast cancer again and skin cancer.

I cannot control myself especially last night couldn't rest/settle couldn't sleep my skin was so itchy!

All over this freckle that has been on my arm.It first appeared with a black scab so I picked it of and now I've got a brown little freckle! Of course now my mind is telling me that I have melanoma and it's spread all over! I'm a total mess today.

Here if you want to talk xx

I'm sorry that you're consumed with these awful thoughts. I've been through the skin cancer fear myself. If you ever want to chat, I'm here to talk. My mom, and much of my family has had skin cancer so I can definitely give you a little insight to help calm your fears :)

---------- Post added at 13:57 ---------- Previous post was at 13:55 ----------

Hi Lily. Sorry you are going through this. Health anxiety is so difficult for non sufferers to understand. I hate it when people say just stop worrying and wasting your life over this. If it was that easy all of us would willingly stop worrying. None of us are making our symptoms up, but we are attaching more importance to them than is needed. There are some good HA books out there. One I go back to when I'm in a HA loop is 'it's not all in your head". You can Google the title. Hope things improve for you.

Yes, it is difficult trying to express your feelings to someone that does not have health anxiety. They just think you're crazy or making things up. Thank you so much for the recommendation; I will definitely look into it. :yesyes:

---------- Post added at 13:59 ---------- Previous post was at 13:57 ----------

Thank you for sharing your story Lilly. I helps to know I am not alone in my crazy thoughts like you said :)

I don't know how to make this end and can't help but think it's anxiety for everyone else, but that I'm different. I really want to move on and feel better.

I applaud you for going to nursing school. Hopefully more information will ease your mind...


Having more information eases some fears, while simultaneously making others worse. Hopefully being in the hospital and seeing patients that are actually ill will give me good insight as to what symptoms to worry over and which ones to ignore. I'm so sorry you feel trapped by your anxiety; it's horrible. Good thing we both have this sight so we don't feel alone. :hugs:

18-12-16, 00:39
I would love to chat with your more Lilly

19-12-16, 23:50
I would love to chat with your more Lilly

I will message you!

20-12-16, 00:14
To be fair if someone comes here with significant anxiety one of the first questions they get asked is "are you receiving counselling?". Often that question goes unanswered by the person being asked. Or that person is waiting for counselling to start or they have some other reason why they can't receive counselling. So if your answer to that question is no then that would go some way towards explaining why people here have been impatient with you in the past. There are no psychs here. But those of us who have dealt with HA in the past and overcome it know that your first point of call should be your doctor and if you continue to experience your HA after that then your second point of call should be a psych. So I'll ask you "are you receiving counselling and if not, why not?"

Your post comes across quite hostile and I can only assume that in the past people here have been less than patient with you. Do you think it might be that those people had nothing left to say to you? Were you seeking constant reassurance here before? I'm guessing you were. And being familiar with most of the regulars here I know that they would have started out trying to reassure you and offer you advice about seeking counselling. The fact that they then went on to ignore you indicates to me that you weren't listening or acknowledging their advice. Answering becomes boring and pointless when individuals on here refuse to listen to or acknowledge the advice that people here take the time to offer.

20-12-16, 00:26
I have to agree with swajj. Her reply was very insightful.

Of the 23 threads you started, only three went unanswered. You have a node obsession. I get it as I've replied to a couple of your threads. Reassurance is only a band-aid over a huge open wound.

What are you doing to address your anxiety issues?

Positive thoughts

20-12-16, 00:28
I am actually a she fish. lol

20-12-16, 00:36
Hello! I'm a young worrier too. I'm 22 years old. I have had every cancer you can imagine and eventually the symptoms have gone away. Currently I am convinced I have soft tissue sarcoma in my shin even though I have had 2 doctors look at it and my mom who is a nurse look. I can't shake
This one as I have had leg and shin pain for almost 2 months. They told me it was sciatica and Or piriformis syndrome. I have had brain cancer, lymphoma, leukemia, ovarian,lung and now the soft tissue one. Today I have convinced myself It's spread to my stomach. The pain comes and goes but hurts at least once a day. I think Health anxiety is the worst and people don't get it. Unless
You suffer from it people don't understand. I wish I could just get rid of it without relying on medication. I have had many visions of myself bald and sick and it's horrible. I totally feel ya there

20-12-16, 00:44
I am actually a she fish. lol

Reply edited to correct gender ;)

Positive thoughts

20-12-16, 00:55

20-12-16, 00:59
You think, being Fishman, I would know a fishlady ~lol~

Positive thoughts

20-12-16, 01:01
Well now you do. :winks:

20-12-16, 01:58
To be fair if someone comes here with significant anxiety one of the first questions they get asked is "are you receiving counselling?". Often that question goes unanswered by the person being asked. Or that person is waiting for counselling to start or they have some other reason why they can't receive counselling. So if your answer to that question is no then that would go some way towards explaining why people here have been impatient with you in the past. There are no psychs here. But those of us who have dealt with HA in the past and overcome it know that your first point of call should be your doctor and if you continue to experience your HA after that then your second point of call should be a psych. So I'll ask you "are you receiving counselling and if not, why not?"

Your post comes across quite hostile and I can only assume that in the past people here have been less than patient with you. Do you think it might be that those people had nothing left to say to you? Were you seeking constant reassurance here before? I'm guessing you were. And being familiar with most of the regulars here I know that they would have started out trying to reassure you and offer you advice about seeking counselling. The fact that they then went on to ignore you indicates to me that you weren't listening or acknowledging their advice. Answering becomes boring and pointless when individuals on here refuse to listen to or acknowledge the advice that people here take the time to offer.

I have made an appointment with a therapist, but cannot get in to see her until January. Out of my entire post, you chose to focus on a few sentences and decide that they were "hostile." I have recognized and tried to follow the advice of everyone on here. In fact, I followed up those few sentences by saying how GRATEFUL I am for this site and everyone on here. I don't expect everyone to respond to all of my posts, but it does suck when you're in a state of panic, looking for reassurance, and there's no one there. It doesn't feel great, and i'm sure many here agree with that feeling. Also, not all that goes on on this website is limited to my posts. I made this post to share my story and let others know they aren't alone, and out of all of that you decided to go on about a few sentences. None of what I said was said with an ounce of malice or "hostility." You are right about you assuming things because that's exactly what is, an assumption. As I said in my original post, this forum should be a place where people should come to be helped in a loving and nonjudgemental way for their mental illnesses.

---------- Post added at 17:56 ---------- Previous post was at 17:52 ----------

I have to agree with swajj. Her reply was very insightful.

Of the 23 threads you started, only three went unanswered. You have a node obsession. I get it as I've replied to a couple of your threads. Reassurance is only a band-aid over a huge open wound.

What are you doing to address your anxiety issues?

Positive thoughts

I see the point swajj was making, but I disagree with tone in which it was said. I do have an obsession with my lymph nodes, i recognize that. You have replied to a couple of my threads, and i appreciate that more than you can imagine. Being that I have two sulraclavicular lymph nodes, the fear I feel is real. Whether the illness I think I have is real does not matter, the fear is real. That goes for everyone on here, which is why they seek support.

---------- Post added at 17:58 ---------- Previous post was at 17:56 ----------

Hello! I'm a young worrier too. I'm 22 years old. I have had every cancer you can imagine and eventually the symptoms have gone away. Currently I am convinced I have soft tissue sarcoma in my shin even though I have had 2 doctors look at it and my mom who is a nurse look. I can't shake
This one as I have had leg and shin pain for almost 2 months. They told me it was sciatica and Or piriformis syndrome. I have had brain cancer, lymphoma, leukemia, ovarian,lung and now the soft tissue one. Today I have convinced myself It's spread to my stomach. The pain comes and goes but hurts at least once a day. I think Health anxiety is the worst and people don't get it. Unless
You suffer from it people don't understand. I wish I could just get rid of it without relying on medication. I have had many visions of myself bald and sick and it's horrible. I totally feel ya there

I'm so sorry you're dealing with this as well. It's awful. Thank you for sharing your story with me. Let me know if you ever wish to chat!

20-12-16, 02:30
"As I said in my original post, this forum should be a place where people should come to be helped in a loving and nonjudgemental way for their mental illnesses."

You have a valid point but at the same time, those who have experienced similar feelings and thoughts or have experienced real physical illness or your worst fear (such as myself) should be able to call you out on them and challenge you to be rational about them. Empathy, not enabling... Honesty, not hugs... Challenging, not reassuring... Otherwise, one is just feeding the beast.

Granted, wording can play a part but sometimes a cyber-slap upside the head is worth the initial shock of the blow ;)

Positive thoughts

20-12-16, 03:04
lol :shrug:

20-12-16, 04:21
"As I said in my original post, this forum should be a place where people should come to be helped in a loving and nonjudgemental way for their mental illnesses."

You have a valid point but at the same time, those who have experienced similar feelings and thoughts or have experienced real physical illness or your worst fear (such as myself) should be able to call you out on them and challenge you to be rational about them. Empathy, not enabling... Honesty, not hugs... Challenging, not reassuring... Otherwise, one is just feeding the beast.

Granted, wording can play a part but sometimes a cyber-slap upside the head is worth the initial shock of the blow ;)

Positive thoughts

I completely understand that line of reasoning. I don't mind being challenged about the way I think. That wasn't my problem with her post. My problem was being accused of making a "hostile" post when that clearly was not the tone of my post in the least bit. Also, her saying that people get bored of helping when others do not listen to their advice. That's the nature of having a mental illness, unfortunately. This forum is for support, not for others to tell people that they are bored and frustrated with them. It is frustrating to have a mental illness and also to deal with someone who has one, hence the need for a forum specifically to provide support. People on these forums get enough of the "i'm bored and frustrated with you" stuff with their family and friends. You, Fishmanpa, know how to bring some much appreciated perspective and tough love to others on this forum. You know how to provide that in the correct way. There's a way to speak to people in a respectful and caring way, without adding in accusations or assumptions about others lives and the way they manage their mental illnesses. No matter where people are in their journey to mental health, whether they're in the stage of believing that they don't need help or at the stage where they've been in therapy for years, we still must speak to each other in a nonjudgemental way. The point of my post was that we don't know other people's lives, but it's important we listen to each other and provide the support we need to each other.

20-12-16, 04:42
omg go and search my posts and you will see where I have offered advice and support to many here. So stop suggesting that I haven't. Your post was negative and accused people here of treating you with disregard. Yes this is a place for support, however, there is an expectation that you will take at least some of the advice given. I don't know how long you have been posting here about your health because I can't be bothered searching your past posts.

---------- Post added at 14:10 ---------- Previous post was at 14:04 ----------

At times on this website, my posts have been ignored. I know that it's because sometimes people don't know what to say, but it does feel bad for me to have my posts ignored when looking for reassurance. At other times, some people have made me feel bad for posting or looking for reassurance. I believe this website should be a safe space to act as "crazy" as we want to.

How is this not a did at some of the people here? And no you do not have the right to come here and act as crazy as you want. There are other people here you need to consider besides yourself. And that includes those who come here for advice as well as those who come here to give advice.

---------- Post added at 14:12 ---------- Previous post was at 14:10 ----------

How is this not a dig at some people here?

20-12-16, 17:52
omg go and search my posts and you will see where I have offered advice and support to many here. So stop suggesting that I haven't. Your post was negative and accused people here of treating you with disregard. Yes this is a place for support, however, there is an expectation that you will take at least some of the advice given. I don't know how long you have been posting here about your health because I can't be bothered searching your past posts.

---------- Post added at 14:10 ---------- Previous post was at 14:04 ----------

At times on this website, my posts have been ignored. I know that it's because sometimes people don't know what to say, but it does feel bad for me to have my posts ignored when looking for reassurance. At other times, some people have made me feel bad for posting or looking for reassurance. I believe this website should be a safe space to act as "crazy" as we want to.

How is this not a did at some of the people here? And no you do not have the right to come here and act as crazy as you want. There are other people here you need to consider besides yourself. And that includes those who come here for advice as well as those who come here to give advice.

---------- Post added at 14:12 ---------- Previous post was at 14:10 ----------

How is this not a dig at some people here?

As I have already said, this post was just expressing how I was feeling at the time, and none of it was said in negative way. You're taking one section out of my entire post, and blowing it out of proportion. You also seemed to miss the sentence right after where I say that i say "crazy" lightly, as in jest. I was speaking in generalities. If you "can't be bothered" to search my past posts, please don't comment on them as if you have. I understand some of what you're saying.

20-12-16, 18:34
Wow! I just read your anxiety story, and I must tell you, I have gone through a lot of what you described. I also just went through my own scare of Bc, for no good reason. I have gone for a testing more than I can ever remember, and all for NOTHING!.
I may sound like a hypocrite, but I beg you don't go for biopsy! its really causes unnecessary anxiety, the waiting for the appt, and then wait for results again when so many dr's told you its noting. had they been cancer, they would have been huge by now.
I wish we can chat. we each have our own struggles to go though.. perhaps we can help each other?
loads of luck to you!

23-12-16, 23:34
Wow! I just read your anxiety story, and I must tell you, I have gone through a lot of what you described. I also just went through my own scare of Bc, for no good reason. I have gone for a testing more than I can ever remember, and all for NOTHING!.
I may sound like a hypocrite, but I beg you don't go for biopsy! its really causes unnecessary anxiety, the waiting for the appt, and then wait for results again when so many dr's told you its noting. had they been cancer, they would have been huge by now.
I wish we can chat. we each have our own struggles to go though.. perhaps we can help each other?
loads of luck to you!

Yes, of course we can chat! I will message you!

04-01-17, 05:57
Just wanted to let everyone know that I am maintaining updates on my lymph node biopsy at the bottom of my original post on this thread. I know how awful it is to see posts with no conclusion, so I am maintaining these updates and describing my experiences of a biopsy in case anyone else has to go through anything similar and doesn't know what to expect.