View Full Version : Well, I went to hospital!?!

Laura xx
20-10-04, 08:53
Well following my last post. I took myself to our local hospital (45 mins away!) to get my chest pain looked at.

Well four hours later, in a waiting room full of broken noses, I was given another ECG.

Guess what. It was fine!

I had a much better nights sleep last night! I guess I now have to accept the chest pains are all part of my disorder!

My poor husband must think he married a looney!

I would like to thank everyone for their support!

Laura x x

20-10-04, 09:03
Hi Laura

What good news, and good for you for going and facing your fears. The panic monster affects us in many ways doesn't it, glad you feel a lot better.

Take care

Elaine x

20-10-04, 10:21
Don't worry hun, you got yourslef checked out and feel a little better knowing its nothing physical so I reckon you did the right thing (even though you had to sit with all those broken noses LOL)

Unfortunately I had a really bad experience in my local A and E department just after I started having panic attacks. I was so bad at the time having endured panic attacks every day for over a week that seemed to last ages and then having one driving, I was totally past myself and my husband said "come on, I've had enough of this, lets get you seen". So off we went to the hospital (as it was out of ours) and the doctor basically had a right go at me saying I was wasting his time and what did we think he was supposed to do about a mental health issue - it was not his deparment. Unfortunately I had a fair idea it was anxiety related and I seem to have been damned for my own knowledge at the time - I didn't get any physical checks, no reassurance just P*** off basically. I was just about hysterical but luckily my husband is in BUPA and a fantastic lady on their helpline spent about 2 hours being really lovely to me and calming me down (I hadn't found this forum at that point)!

Best wishes, Jo xx

20-10-04, 12:39
You did the right thing Laura, especially if it puts your mind at ease!!

I hope you are feeling better

Take Care


20-10-04, 12:58
hi laura
it gets easier - now you know your ok - youll notice you dont get the pains anymore
im so glad for you that its positive news

20-10-04, 15:47
Hi Laura

I'm glad you are feeling better after being reassured about the chest pain.

When something is worrying you that much it is probably the best idea to get it checked out to put your mind at rest.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

20-10-04, 15:57
Hi Laura.

Good news:D
Peace of mind goes along way.

Hope you are feeling better.


What we are today comes from
our thoughts of yesterday and
our present thoughts build our
life of tomorrow.
Our life is the creation of our mind.

20-10-04, 21:05

I'm really happy that you got the good news. I know that when I have felt as if I had something seriously physically wrong and finally made to to the DR, - there is no better feeling than when he looks at you quizzically and says, "um, well.... we couldn't find anything wrong.."


Love, Rick

It is better to be a free bird than a captive king...