View Full Version : Wheeziness

17-12-16, 09:30
I've been feeling kind of wheezy the past few days, just enough to where it is noticeable. Faint sound when taking a breath in. Can anxiety do that? I've been slowly circling the drain in to thinking it is lung cancer, throat cancer, pancreatic cancer that has spread to the lungs or throat. My stomach has felt tight for the past few weeks. I've felt like I couldn't take a deep breath for the past month again but it got better two days ago and now it's back. I force coughed to see if there was something stuck in there but nothing came out so now the bottom of my throat is sore. Great. Just what I need, more "symptoms".

Usually I'm good at keeping the fretful panic and anxiety at bay but after becoming slightly wheezy (new symptom for me) I have been internally freaking the heck out.

It's almost as if someone is saying "he's keeping that health anxiety so far at bay, we should throw in another symptom and see how he fares."
Let me tell you, I am not faring!!

Anyways I hate to be posting again but just writing this down or posting it for other people to see helps me.

Thank you very much for reading what is on my mind right now.

17-12-16, 22:31
Perhaps do you have asthma or seasonal allergies?

19-12-16, 05:11
Perhaps do you have asthma or seasonal allergies?

Sorry for the late reply. Have been posting around.

I've never had asthma or allergies so that would be really weird. It could be. I'll bring it up with my doctor this week.

13-09-17, 08:29
Just an update. Saw my doctor in March about the wheeziness on one side - no concern.
Saw him in May? Still no concern.
Again a month ago and still no concern.
Saw him last week because it felt like it was getting worse - still no concern. Asked for an xray of my chest and he said no because he was concerned about radiation.
At this point I am having a hard time swallowing (feels like food goes down one side?)
I went to see another doctor today to get a chest xray and I got one. I asked to see it when I got it and it looked clear (untrained eye) and didn’t see any “masses.”

It is so uncomfortable to swallow and now I have a slight wheeze when BREATHING IN on my right side.

Can acid reflux cause all of this?

Also I have been habitually “forcing air out of my lungs” since January to see if it got any worse - could I have irritated something really badly? I just stopped doing it to see if it would heal but I am so worried it’s only getting worse.

14-09-17, 13:22
Update again. Called my doctor’s office yesterday morning as soon as they opened to ask if they got my x-ray results in - they were. I asked the receptionist if it was all clear and she said that the doctor has to talk to me about it. Immediately she knew she worded it really poorly and assured me that she has bad anxiety too so she said she would make an exception for me to reassure me and said it came back all clear.

Went to see the doctor later and he told me the same - all clear. Did an extremely thorough examination of my lung sounds and palpated my throat area very carefully. Everything was normal. I left the doctor’s office feeling like a new guy.

I went home after and laid down and tried to relax and not breathe/swallow habitually for an hour. After that I could feel how relaxed my right airway and my throat was.

I think I’ll be okay - I just need to relax and not habitually swallow every 5 seconds to “test” if my swallowing is getting worse. I think I just irritated it really badly. Same with forcing air out of my lungs to produce the “wheeze.”

I’ll try to update soon about my progress.

14-09-17, 22:08
Had a short sleep. Woke up and had a HUGE wave of dread that I am getting worse. Still feels like only my right side swallowing works and still really tight on my right airway. I am now freaking out that it’s my throat/esophagus/bronchial tube on my right.

Catherine S
14-09-17, 22:17
You are making yourself ill. Please stop with the air forcing and forced swallowing...nobody swallows that much. Did you tell the doctor you've been doing this? You've been told you have no lung problems, you've been given the all clear, so please just stop with this now. Are you seeing a therapist? Because I really think you need to.

Take care
Cath S x

14-09-17, 22:43
I am going through this as well, only I also have post nasal drip, persistent cough, persistent scratchy sore throat, and throat clearing.

I went to the doc the other day, well nurse practitioner as I never see a doc at my docs office!, and she thought my right lung sounded quieter than the other, so xray it was, and the xray came out normal.

THe NP prescribed nasal spray, antibiotics, claritin, and a rescue inhaler (which I haven't used), and I swear, my lung felt GREAT the next day. It really opened up. I was clearing my throat less too.

Then, last night (which was my second night on the meds), I felt a ton of post nasal drip forming in my sleep, I woke up to an intensely sore throat. My lungs still feel open, but I did have the wimpiest, lamest, tamest wheeze and a tiny bit of congestion at the point of the wheeze.

I am completely stumped. I am wondering if I got some weird cold that showed up coincidentally, or if the rain last night released allergens, or what!!!!!!!!!!! I am getting really frustrated by this.

LIke you, this is a new pattern in my life. EVery minor cold, I end up with months of cough, wheezing, post nasal drip, and I am over it. It's annoying and, of course, it scares me.

I'm supposed to call tomorrow to tell her my symptoms didn't improve, so my next stop wil be a pulmonologist she said. I don't really want to go through that since I am afraid of what they will find. But, I really want to find a solution.

HOw old are you? IN my googling, i mean reading lol, I've found that age naturally takes a toll on respiratory health. In my case, I am a perimenopausal woman and, believe it not, like 30% of women get terrible allergies, lung troubles, and throat/voice changes with menopause. So lucky me (I hope that's all it is, in reality!)