View Full Version : Vicious circle of negative thoughts

17-12-16, 12:35
Hi all
I'm trying to understand how I can suddenly become so anxious
2 weeks ago I was fairly carefree , steady job , money in the bank etc
Don't have a large amount of friends but I have some good friends unfortunately none I can share my anxiety with
I've had depression in the past but have felt okay for the past 5 years
Just can't break the cycle of negative thinking even stressing about things that happened when I was a child something I've never even though about in over 40 years
Got the number for samaritans but not sure how effective that Would be
I'm in my 50's I want to try enjoy my life and future but my mind won't let me

17-12-16, 13:12
Did this just happen out of nowhere? Has there been anything significant that may be triggering how you are feeing?

Breaking the cycle of negative thinking is very hard, but also very possible! It takes a lot of practice and work, just like starting a new hobby or working out. It will be harder in the beginning and take some time.

17-12-16, 13:24
Hi and thanks for the reply
Yes it's come out of nowhere, had some health issues earlier this year that caused some anxiety but they cleared up as my health returned to normal. Specifically something that happened a long time ago has come to mind which is causing some concern
I guess I spend quite a bit of time alone so nothing to distract me when the mind is racing
I'm exercising regularly and trying to eat healthy