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View Full Version : Tiny brown fleck eye - panicking

17-12-16, 17:08
Sorry I have started a new thread about my eye because it's related but not quite. Does anyone else have like a fleck / tiny spot in their eye? It's always been there as far as I know and I've never really thought anything of it for that reason.
But now I'm obsessed with my eye I'm wondering what the hell it is and what it means. I'm really freaking out but definitely not Googling this time.
Please help

---------- Post added at 13:27 ---------- Previous post was at 13:22 ----------

It's the white of my eye though not the coloured part, it looks like a brown pinprick. It's literally never bothered me before but now I'm in meltdown that it might he something serous like a tumour or something?

---------- Post added at 14:24 ---------- Previous post was at 13:27 ----------

Can no one relate? Trying hard to go full scale panic

---------- Post added at 15:26 ---------- Previous post was at 14:24 ----------

Ok my boyfriend looked in my eye with a torch and said it's not brown it's red...not sure if that's a good thing...
I don't mind just typing to myself hahaa

---------- Post added at 17:08 ---------- Previous post was at 15:26 ----------

Guys why is no one replying am I the only one?

17-12-16, 17:10
I think no ones responding because no one looks that closely at their eyes. It sounds like normal eye architecture. I think I know what you're talking about. I think I've seen something like that in other people's eyes.

Surely you've been to the eye doctor before?

17-12-16, 17:25
No I really haven't been before. Neither has my brother, I've just never had any cause to. I don't get headaches or have vision problems so it's never occurred to me?
I'm really worried now that I should have, it's just not something that has ever concerned me. It's only come to my attention cos I hurt my eye the other day and I've started focusing on it

17-12-16, 17:45
I go to one every year because I have crappy vision. They've never found anything wrong with my eyes. Its most likely nothing to worry about. I'll go look at my eyes now to see if anythings weird. I bet I could find something unique that isn't a concern. Everyone has something about them that's unique.

17-12-16, 17:55
Thanks zemikec, I really appreciate this.
I can't believe I've got myself so upset over this

17-12-16, 18:11
I did what I said I would.

My right eye, underneath my bottom eyelid I have a tiny little fleck. It is near the junction of two blood vessels. Its reddish brown. Almost triangular. Its probably the size of the tip of a reasonably sharp pencil.

Just looks like the remnants of an old blood vessel junction or something.

17-12-16, 18:18
That gives me so much relief, honestly I really appreciate you doing that, thank you so much! Mine is at the end of red vessely thing as well. It's just that it's always there that has suddenly freaked me out? It's never ever bothered me before to be honest, just didn't think anything of it. But I've given my eye so much attention the last couple of days after hurting it that I literally decided today to be worried. It was almost like a conscious effort to be worried about it.
Should I just try forget about it? My friends who I've hassled over it today (as well as everyone else I've asked at home), think I'm going crazy!

17-12-16, 18:35
My completely uneducated guess is that it used to be a blood vessel that receded and left a small pool of brown/red where it used to be.

I don't commit to memory every fleck I've seen in someone's eye, but I've seen them. I have one. Probably more. I stopped after I found that one.

If it doesn't hurt, if your eyesight isn't affected, why bother worrying about it?

And even though you haven't been to an eye doctor, surely you've been to a regular doctor? My eye doctor doesn't do that much in regards to actually determining how healthy my eye is. Mostly looks into it with the light. My normal doctor does the same.

17-12-16, 18:44
I don't know, it doesn't affect me at all in terms of pain/sight or anything like that so I don't know why I suddenly decided to stress over it.
Oh yes I'm a regular at the doctors, not sure when she last looked in my eyes though as I've not had any complaints. I'm sure she'll have looked at them at some point though I just can't remember? Maybe I should just forget about it unless I have poor vision?
Thanks again. x

17-12-16, 22:44
In the US doctors quickly look in our eyes and ears. Its not very memorable as my doctor has never found anything.

You said you were worried that it could be something serious like a tumor. Do statistics comfort you at all? Because the age-specific incidence rate for any eye cancer is incredibly low.

Age specific incidence is how many people out of 100,000 would get that disease in a year. I don't know your age, but the incidence is WELL under 1 for most ages.

17-12-16, 23:29
I don't even know what I'm thinking it is. Eye cancer is probably a bit far fetched even for me, but it is still niggling in my head. Or maybe a tumour, but again, I don't even know the symptoms in or on the eye for either of those diseases but I've conjured them up from somewhere.
I don't have any head symptoms that have ever bothered me, so eye examinations and stuff just haven't occurred to me. This is something that's just always been like that, the same blood vessel and same little speck thing and it's never ever concerned me before. Today I was feeling fragile and just latched onto this for some reason. My boyfriend says he's never had an eye test either, same reason as me, never had any problems with his eye so never booked one.
I've realised after talking it out that my eyes aren't bloodshot, they just have vessels that are permanent, same as other people's eyes. And I'm thinking now that speck thing is just part of a vessel? That's kind of calmed me down a bit but still have the urge to go stare at my eyeballs :(

17-12-16, 23:47
still have the urge to go stare at my eyeballs :(


Positive thoughts

18-12-16, 00:25
Hahaha love that!
Fishman, am I being over the top? Are these vessels normal?
Well and truly down the rabbit hole lately

18-12-16, 01:17
Hahaha love that!
Fishman, am I being over the top? Are these vessels normal?
Well and truly down the rabbit hole lately

IMO? Yeah LF... you've been in quite a spiral as of late but I think you already know this. Jumping from one thing to another, useless reassurance... you know the deal. Other that the standard methods... Distraction, CBT, meds etc., I wish there was something that could help. Although, one thing would to be to stop posting about it. Doing so keeps the fires burning but I think you know this as well ;)

Positive thoughts

18-12-16, 10:49
I know, I've diagnosed 5 deadly diseases within a month. I have a great imagination if nothing else.
I'm gonna stop posting about my weird eye and just accept that it is what it is. After Christmas, my brother said he'll come and get his eyes checked with me if I'm still anxious about it, (he's never had his done either). That will have me utterly demented I have to say, but I'll see if I've moved onto something new by then :/
My eye is still a bit iffy from when I hurt it, but I'm thinking that's normal and it'll take a while to fix itself.
Thank you for writing :)