View Full Version : Feeling anxious/guilty about saying no

17-12-16, 13:23
This is in respect to babysitting. As a few of you may already know I'm struggling as a parent as it is. My daughter is most definitely not a 'naughty' child, but she is difficult in some ways (won't tidy, contradicts us constantly and lies etc). The last thing I want to do is babysit another child and have 2 children to look after when I feel like hell.

Today I've been asked and to be fair it's been a long time since I've been asked but I've had to decline as I feel horrendous at the minute due to my regular issues plus a relationship breakdown which I'm finding hard to accept (although it's only been a few days so I know that's normal).

However this always makes me feel really nervous and guilty. I just hate babysitting though. I have never, in almost 7 years asked somebody to babysit my child for me and I don't want to babysit another either. I know this may sound grouchy but I have been really low for over a year now and it's visible on my face too. I look shattered and my hair is like straw. I feel like it should be obvious to my relatives that I'm going through some stuff.

Until these last few months I used to dread weekends for fear of being asked to babysit. I'd either babysit against my wishes (I always feel really stressed when I do) or would decline and feel anxious and guilty about it. I'm just sick of all these minor issues on top of my other issues. It makes everything worse.

To top it all off I've had a surge in health anxiety since being alone more (as in the only adult) and I've been getting a headache on and off in one particular spot for 3 days or so now and my irrational side is worrying about a brain hemorrhage. I know it's probably stress (I'm not the kind of person to get any form of headache, but it started pretty much after I discovered my partner had rented a home behind my back) it's just another thing that's causing me to feel hideous.

17-12-16, 20:08
KeeKee, cut yourself some slack and don't feel guilty about saying no? Someone else will be found-it's just not on for you at the moment. Look after yourself and your daughter and don't take on anyone else's responsibilities?

As for the headache, I'm not surprised as you have been under a hell of a lot of (suppressed) stress. Classic tension headache material.

17-12-16, 20:28
Thank you very much Pulisa.
Yes I'm sure somebody else can do it. My family do know about my issues (not all the gory details but they know th basics) and I know if it was the other way round I'd never ask somebody who felt the way I did to babysit.

Ah yes a tension headache. I'm sure it will be that. Thanks again.