View Full Version : devastated

17-12-16, 14:47
Seen ex today, getting into a Mercedes with a guy....I'm inconsolable right now ...I'm gutted, drove passed in my banged up astra ....she seen me too, I'm. Already sunfeeling with depression and anxiety , I'm suicidal don't even want to be around family

17-12-16, 20:24
Any support ?

17-12-16, 20:31
How long ago was she your Ex?

How long were you together?

17-12-16, 22:01
It complicated.....its hard to someup what age means to me really ....should never have let her go been lonely ever since ....we were together 4 monthes but stayed close for about a year after that ...last spoke in September

---------- Post added at 22:01 ---------- Previous post was at 20:33 ----------

She means to me I meant sorry

17-12-16, 23:53
It's been several months since things ended on a rather short relationship. With respect, you let her go and she's moving on. Not much you can do about that. I know it's difficult but closing the book would be the best way to deal with things. No sense in hanging onto the "what ifs".

Positive thoughts

18-12-16, 09:18
How do I cancel my account on here?

18-12-16, 10:22
Just let it be for a while, and not log on for a while, we'd be sorry to see you leave.

18-12-16, 10:58
How do I cancel my account on here?

One day you will need to face your problems.

I hope you stick around.

19-12-16, 00:03
My life ended the moment I let her go and when I decided not to leave this job...with some luck il get diagnosed with cancer or die in my sleep....I won't have deal with this existence anymore then

19-12-16, 01:25
My life ended the moment I let her go and when I decided not to leave this job...with some luck il get diagnosed with cancer or die in my sleep....I won't have deal with this existence anymore then

Sorry you're feeling like this, I know how it is. You might feel like this now but time is a great healer. What happened could be for the best and you can fully move on and leave her in the past.

19-12-16, 08:06
its been two years -i stayed friends up until june with her this year...which i shouldnt have done .when i seen her saturday i cant describe the wave of pain that came over me...i went home and cried for hours ....feel worthless and a fool -god i just want to die i really do

19-12-16, 11:21
Hi Wayne it's not easy You need now to move on for your own sake. Materialistic things might make you feel a really good important person like a Mercedes car etc but in essence it doesn't so you have a old banger of a car so what? It's what's inside that counts Close the door and move on you have your age on your side too ok :)