View Full Version : Hate leaving my house!

17-12-16, 17:26
Since my anxiety started nearly 4 months ago I have been finding it more and more difficult to go out to shops etc.

Anyone got any tips before I become housebound

17-12-16, 17:39

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

17-12-16, 17:41
Since my anxiety started nearly 4 months ago I have been finding it more and more difficult to go out to shops etc.

Anyone got any tips before I become housebound

What aspect of leaving the house stresses you out the most?

17-12-16, 18:54
I don't have any words of wisdom apart from to make sure you keep leaving the house, every single day, no matter how awful it feels. The first time I had anxiety I made the mistake of staying indoors a lot and it was really, really horrible adjusting to the outside world again. I have a dog now so I have no choice but to go out everyday.

Where do you go when you leave the house? If it's just to do something stressful like work then maybe try to incorporate some fun or relaxing things to do. That way your mind won't associate leaving the house with bad experiences.

17-12-16, 20:51
Sorry you feel this way, it's horrible. My main piece of advice is the same as above, just make sure you keep going out.
I made the mistake of staying in and I now have agoraphobia and I'm working on exposure therapy, it's hard going and I wish that I'd have just not paid attention to the part of me that wanted to stay inside in the beginning!
I will get there though and be able to do all that I used to, of that I am sure but I wouldn't wish agoraphobia on my worst enemy so above all just keep going and ignoring that feeling, it will pass if you make sure you don't begin avoidance behaviours. :)

17-12-16, 21:38
What aspect of leaving the house stresses you out the most?

I have health anxiety and for the last 4 months I've been obsessing over my bowels, which has made me hyper sensitive to any sensations in my stomach. If I go into shops I feel panicky and my stomach starts to churn and I worry that I need to go to the toilet.

I can go to work but I still have times where I panic, but I have to go to work. I haven't been able to go out Christmas shopping and have been buying online which I normally hate doing.

---------- Post added at 21:35 ---------- Previous post was at 21:31 ----------

I don't have any words of wisdom apart from to make sure you keep leaving the house, every single day, no matter how awful it feels. The first time I had anxiety I made the mistake of staying indoors a lot and it was really, really horrible adjusting to the outside world again. I have a dog now so I have no choice but to go out everyday.

Where do you go when you leave the house? If it's just to do something stressful like work then maybe try to incorporate some fun or relaxing things to do. That way your mind won't associate leaving the house with bad experiences.

I've only been going out to work and to take my son to school. My house feels like a safe haven and I feel much calmer there.

---------- Post added at 21:38 ---------- Previous post was at 21:35 ----------

Sorry you feel this way, it's horrible. My main piece of advice is the same as above, just make sure you keep going out.
I made the mistake of staying in and I now have agoraphobia and I'm working on exposure therapy, it's hard going and I wish that I'd have just not paid attention to the part of me that wanted to stay inside in the beginning!
I will get there though and be able to do all that I used to, of that I am sure but I wouldn't wish agoraphobia on my worst enemy so above all just keep going and ignoring that feeling, it will pass if you make sure you don't begin avoidance behaviours. :)

I'm sorry that you suffer from agoraphobia, it must be so difficult for you. I really want to get better but the anxiety is so high when I'm out the house that it just feels easier to stay in.

18-12-16, 12:06
I understand, i practice mindfulness, yoga and acceptance, they're very helpful for agoraphobia or avoidance behaviours, I can now walk quite far and remain calm.
The main thing is to make sure you go out every day, even if it's not far, just to make sure you don't get used to being inside all the time.

I understand health anxiety too, I had that a couple of years ago but I've thankfully overcome that now - if you ever wanna talk just send me a private message :)

18-12-16, 14:42
I understand, i practice mindfulness, yoga and acceptance, they're very helpful for agoraphobia or avoidance behaviours, I can now walk quite far and remain calm.
The main thing is to make sure you go out every day, even if it's not far, just to make sure you don't get used to being inside all the time.

I understand health anxiety too, I had that a couple of years ago but I've thankfully overcome that now - if you ever wanna talk just send me a private message :)

Thank you for your reply,

The strange thing is I can go to work but going into shops really sets my stomach and anxiety off. I'm going to go out to get some food shopping in a while and am dreading it. Would happily not leave my house at all. I used to love going out and about but it's an ordeal now.

18-12-16, 15:03
I completely understand how you feel as I, too, have a very limited radius of movement. Every time I go out, it causes me discomfort and anxiety. The thing that helps is making baby steps, keep trying to make the experience of going out enjoyable. For instance, every time you go to the shops, but yourself a little something to treat yourself for a job well done, for leaving the house. Slowly, your radius of movement will expand and you'll find yourself being able to do more and more.

18-12-16, 16:56
So, its basically a fear of shitting yourself in public?

18-12-16, 17:07
So, its basically a fear of shitting yourself in public?

Actually no not really! It's more that I don't want to have to use a toilet away from home as atm with my health anxiety as it is I feel intense fear when using the toilet.

Tbh I found your comment quite offensive and insulting, I thought people on this forum would be more understanding of other peoples anxieties and issues. Making light of someones problems is rather unkind.

18-12-16, 17:49
It's a poor choice of words but SLA means well. He's just trying to understand what is your main fear and isn't belittling your issues

18-12-16, 19:04
A very poor choice of words!!! Not helpful at all. I don't find any of this hell that I'm living to be in any way amusing. Maybe this isn't the place for me to be as I was hoping for some constructive advice, not for some vulgar comment.

18-12-16, 19:19
Take a breath Rainbow. Despite what you think about the wording, it's still a valid question. Is your fear of leaving the house due to a fear of bowel control or is it not having access to or a fear of using facilities outside your home? All of which are legitimate fears.

Positive thoughts

18-12-16, 19:28
I do think that you've had some constructive advice on this thread, rainbow. It's not surprising that you are very sensitive about your problem but no one is belittling it.

18-12-16, 19:52
Rainbow, please try and forget about the comment that upset you and tell us more about your agoraphobia and how we can help you. :)

18-12-16, 22:42

The only reason I ask is one of my major sources of anxiety stems from an insecurity over needing the toilet in social situations. I wet myself in public as a 4 year old and was shamed. Then in adolescence i had a cinema date with a girl and I had an infection and had to excuse myself 7-8 times during the date.

Just wondered if the root cause was related to an underlying issue.

Sorry it was so blunt, but I find blunt questions often get there best answers regardless of whether the offend.

I'm not here for my own amusement.

19-12-16, 16:32

I have agoraphobia, I had a terrible weekend with anxiety and really let it get on top of me (helped by Pms!) I understand health anxiety as I've previously said.
Acceptance for agoraphobia is 100% the key; I've had a great day today, ive been anxious sure but I've managed a 1.4km walk with my son and stayed at the park with him and had fun! I had panic while I was out but challenged my thought process - I was walking down into some very rural ponds near my home and I suddenly felt my legs go weak and the thought rushed in ' what if I faint? How often do people come into these ponds? What would my son do as he's only 1 year old?' Then I took a step back and thought 'I've felt like this countless times and I've never actually passed out and I won't now' the feelings eased and I had a lovely walk! And now we're just about to go out for an evening stroll!

We just have to accept our feelings of anxiety and panic and carry on. It truly is just a feeling.

It also helps to remember that we're going to have our bad days but they'll pass and we'll carry on one day at a time until the day we wake up, go about our day and get into bed at night to realise that we had an anxiety free day!

As for the HA try your best to make sure you don't check or seek reassurance and above all don't google! It will pass, for me I stopped all the checking and realised that nothing happened, I was fine and it went away over time :)

Drop me a message any time x