View Full Version : I'd like to introduce myself....

17-12-16, 19:22
Sorry, this is a long post! I guess I needed to get this out.

Hello. I am new to No More Panic but not to anxiety. I have always been a worrier (my mother said she noticed anxiety in me as a toddler!), but the extreme panic and feelings of doom started a year after my first daughter was born almost 9 years ago....

I had a pain in my upper right abdomen that wrapped around to my back that started during my pregnancy. The pain continued after her birth and a test showed I had high amylase. I was advised to contact a gastroenterologist immediately. That sent me into a tailspin! Of course I assumed pancreatic cancer! I met a great gastro doc and he did a pancreas MRI which showed my pancreas was fine. During this time I also lost about 20 lbs (what is that? One and a half stone for those in England?) and went on a long frustrating and scary journey trying to find out why. I was working with a terrible doctor at a for profit clinic who allowed me to have CT scans, x-rays, brain MRIs, and blood test after blood test... my husband finally suggested that I find a new doctor which, after some more bad ones (a whole other long story), I finally found a very wise and sympathetic doctor.

He was the first doctor who thought I had postpartum anxiety and suggested I explore treatment for that. I started acupuncture, counseling, and working with a naturopath. It took a lot of hard work and I finally began to feel better. Then I got pregnant with my second daughter (5 1/2 years ago) and the anxiety vanished completely!

I was doing well for a while, but then about 2 years ago the stomach pains became worse and I started down the medical test road again. I have new insurance now (boo!) so all new doctors. My primary care is wonderful, but she referred me to a gastroenterologist who is nice, but not very understanding of my anxiety. He did an ultrasound which showed an enlarged head of my pancreas and followed with another CT scan which showed nothing! He is a pancreas specialist and assured me that no further testing was required. I calmed down a bit and moved on, but the fear returned this summer... I was once again convinced of pancreatic cancer so her performed a pancreas MRI which showed no mass or pancreatitis, but said my pancreatic divism was stable. What the hell?? No one ever mentioned this before! I was told all was well and that I should stop worrying.

Well, then I developed back pain (we just moved and I was lifting heavy boxes) that I was convinced was a sign of lung cancer and I freaked again! That cleared up and now I am back to worrying about my pancreas. The abdominal and back pain is intense and I can't get it out of my head.

Lastly, to top this all off, I found a marble sized lump that feels kind of like a moveable rubber ball next to my right breast and freaked out once again!

I am a teacher on winter break with my 8 and 5 year old daughters and should be loving on them and having fun this holiday season and I am so preoccupied and zombie like. I have barely been able to engage in conversation.

I am 44. My parents are both very healthy; my dad is a 67 year old marathon runner. There is only a little cancer in my family history (a grandfather and one aunt) though anxiety does run deep on both sides.

I have been told that I can manage anxiety and that it can go away, but after it left me and returned, I am not so convinced anymore.

I am terrified!

Thank you for reading if you made it this far. I have great friends and a supportive husband, but nobody truly understands my anxiety.... I hope to find friends here who do.


17-12-16, 19:34
Hiya Mochi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

17-12-16, 22:16
I have been looking all over the site this morning and afternoon. Thank you. I hope to find some comfort here....

19-12-16, 14:14
Hi, I can completely relate to how you feel. My health anxiety consumes me. I try to be rational but feel myself going down the black hole. For who don't suffer with anxiety I guess it's hard for them to understand how debilitating it can be.
I'm happy to chat if you need an ear or a shoulder.

19-12-16, 14:49
Hi Mochi,

You've come to the right place!!


21-12-16, 08:46
Livelifenow and SLA, thanks for the welcome :)

I wasn't sure anyone was relating to me....

21-12-16, 22:16
Hi Mochi. I know first hand how debilitating health anxiety can be. I've been listening to some podcasts by 'The Anxiety Guy' and have found them really helpful. He does lots of stuff on health anxiety. Good luck. I hope you're feeling better soon. Dave

21-12-16, 23:35
Welcome Mochi! You have come to a place where you will find a wealth of knowledge, experience, and empathy. You will get through this.


22-12-16, 01:11
Hi Mochi. I know first hand how debilitating health anxiety can be. I've been listening to some podcasts by 'The Anxiety Guy' and have found them really helpful. He does lots of stuff on health anxiety. Good luck. I hope you're feeling better soon. Dave

Thanks Davey! I just subscribed to the podcast! I am coming down from a scare today and am feeling a moment of relief, probably the best time to check out anxiety podcasts!


---------- Post added at 17:11 ---------- Previous post was at 17:09 ----------

Welcome Mochi! You have come to a place where you will find a wealth of knowledge, experience, and empathy. You will get through this.


Thank you Noivous! I am finding this site to be a place of comfort already, though might need to spend a little less time obsessively reading posts!


22-12-16, 02:33
Thanks Davey! I just subscribed to the podcast! I am coming down from a scare today and am feeling a moment of relief, probably the best time to check out anxiety podcasts!


---------- Post added at 17:11 ---------- Previous post was at 17:09 ----------

Thank you Noivous! I am finding this site to be a place of comfort already, though might need to spend a little less time obsessively reading posts!


Haha! Yes it can be quite habit forming!