View Full Version : UTI worries

17-12-16, 19:43
I've had a UTI this week and was prescribed trimethoprim. It eased up but didn't clear and the nurse practitioner said it must be resistant so instead of the one I would normally have been given, I was given amoxicillin as I am breastfeeding. I think it's clear but now my lower back is hurting again (not sure if it's trapped gas or something) and I am terrified it's going to be resistant to all antibiotics and I'll get a kidney infection then sepsis.

Any words of sense greatly appreciated!!

17-12-16, 21:33
Hi Hun. Didn't want to read and run. I had a kidney infection a few months back. Pyelonephritis it's called. Unfortunately I got septicaemia. Started as an untreated uti. Sorry I'm not saying this to frighten you I'm telling you as my pain wasn't in my lower back. It was agonising pain in my kidney. My temperature went to 100.4 I was very poorly. The best way to tell if it's in your kidney is the put pressure on your kidney and cough. If it hurts in your kidney then the infection is there. My urologist told me this. I was lucky as it was caught in time as I was very poorly. I was in resus. Oh another symptom was and this sounds discussing but my wee smelt of poo. Sounds horrible and embarrassing but it did. What other symptoms do you have? I was shivering uncontrollably as well x

17-12-16, 21:46
I was going to pee all the time even when there was nothing left. I have had pain around my ribs as well. My sister was in hospital this year with kidney infection. My UTI is being treated and I should have culture results on Monday but just worried I guess.

17-12-16, 21:47
Does your kidneys hurt if you push them and cough? X

17-12-16, 22:08
I had a UTI a few weeks ago and was given trimethoprim too, which didn't work, then another antibiotic (forget the name). It was suspected it had started to spread to my kidneys as I had a sore lower back/abdomen. This actually lasted even a few days after I stopped the antibiotics so I was really worried it was going to get worse. But that pain ended up passing and I've been fine. My doctor explained everything there is very sensitive and can remain a bit inflamed and tender even when the infection is cleared

17-12-16, 22:15
Please do not worry about not being able to find antibiotics that work. There are many, many antibiotics out there. In the health field, we have an entire class of antibiotics that we reserve for only severe infections, and they are very effective. If you were to hypothetically have the infection spread, there are many antibiotics that can take care of it. Just keep monitoring yourself for a fever, and if you feel worse at all, definitely see your doctor. UTIs are very common and treatable. I know it's easier said then done, but trust that your doctor has a handle on it. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

17-12-16, 23:49
Thanks guys. I don't feel unwell in myself and the frequency of going is now over so I am hoping it is clearing up! I've still got quite a few amoxicillin to get through too