View Full Version : My story. My roller coaster. Positivity needed.

17-12-16, 20:53
Iv been on this forum for many years and Iv always given advice to others because I honestly think Iv had every anxiety symptom known to man. Iv been like this for 9 years. All started when I was 21. Started with panic attacks then led to depression. So I was told to take a tablet every day. They was Prozac. I remember waking on the 10th day and it was like magic. It had all gone. I continued on the meds for 6 months and didn't have a single anxiety symptom so came off them. My dad died shortly after and whilst on holiday I began to get them horrible symptoms again. Heart racing. Adrenaline rush. Obsessed with my health. So back on the meds I went. This time for around a year .I had my ups and downs and again became strong enough to come off my meds. This lasted for around a year as it crept back up on me again because of a new stressful relationship. This time I was given citalopram which I had to stay on for a good few years. I fell pregnant with my daughter and she died at 9 days old and i had a unsupportive partner at the time and felt alone and it all come flooding back but this time I was having terrible mind chatter. Repeating things in my head. I thought I was losing the plot. Very frightening feeling. So I was prescribed sertraline which seemed to work for a short period so I upped my dose. I never felt great on these. I'd probably say I was about 50% ok. I then fell pregnant with my son. About 6 weeks into the pregnancy I began to have derealisation. I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror as I didn't recognise myself. Everything freaked me out. How did it get there? Who made it? It was so frightening. So I was referred to a psychiatrist that diagnosed me with ptsd, severe anxiety and depression. I was given mitazipine. At first it was hard as they make you so spaced out. But as the weeks passed the derealisation began to settle and I was feeling things was back managable. Then about 6 weeks ago I thought I was having a nervous breakdown. Panic attacks, whole body shaking, racing heart, racing thoughts, certain things freaking me out, noise agitation, arguing with myself in my head, pure fear surging through my body, the list is endless. So they put me on sertraline again along with the mitazipine and I'm sat here weeks and weeks later still feeling shit. Waiting for this to go. I pray daily for this to be taken but it seems nobody here's my prayers. I'm tired of battling this. What's worse is the fear. Daily headaches and generally feel crap within myself everyday. Iv lost me. What I would give to get her back. I'm a good person with a big heart. I don't deserve this. I was abused when I was 14 and my dad beat my mum and was a alcoholic and they say this is why I'm like this. What if my body has built a resistance to the meds? I honestly don't no what else to do. Completely ruined my life for years. I can't work because I'm to anxious and poorly all the time. Does this actually ever go? Is it going to end with me one day taking my life. This isn't living. This is pure torture. I'm in hell everyday. My children have had to go and live with there dad. He's a wonderful dad and I still see them regular but I'm not the mum I should be. I have an amazing fiance and he truly deserves a good woman and for me to be the fiance he deserves. I love him so so much. And i feel bad for him. Someone please give me some positivity. I'm at my wits end. Thank you sammie.

17-12-16, 21:03
I read your post and my heart goes out to you
this condition is beaten differently by different people. and I suppose sometimes it can take longer to find the best course of action for some. than others .
but don't lose the will to fight it. there is always a way. you've shown your strength by staying the course for so long.
have you put it to your gp the same way you put it on here? be honest and open with them,
they will explore some options with you.
try to stay positive

17-12-16, 21:11
Thank you for your reply. When we are in the high state of anxiety we want that super fast fix as the feeling is terrifying. Genuinely do think I'm losing it. I'll turn my head and look at something and my mind fixates on it and freaks me out. Makes me feel very nervous. I will approach my gp again. I was seen by the crisis team a few weeks back and she said its anxiety. I'm super zoomed in. Told me to take the sertraline as well. I asked to be admitted but she said it would be like locking a sheep in with a load of lions. I try to think positive I really do but the negativity takes over as its a lot stronger. I have a wonderful fiancé and I wish I could be the woman he deserves. Maybe I should let him go. X

17-12-16, 21:50
I know what you mean about the (zoomed in) feeling.
I've seen a lot of people posting about it too.
don't be so harsh on yourself, having anxiety doesn't stop you being a great woman.

17-12-16, 21:55
Your post made me sad! I have been suffering terribly with anxiety for 8+ years now too and have been so miserable so many times. This is hell and the roller coaster sometimes feels worse.

Please know that you are not alone and that you should keep fighting! I've read many a success story.


17-12-16, 21:58
I hope one day I'll be writing the success story ��

17-12-16, 22:29
Thank you for sharing your story, and I am so, so sorry to hear about all that you've gone through. The only advice I can give is to keep trying, for what else do we have to do in life except to keep trying. You will get to a place where you will be okay; I fully believe that. It may take a while to get there, but you'll get there. I wish you all the best. :hugs:

17-12-16, 22:41
Thank you so much lovie x

18-12-16, 20:21
Just reading through some recent posts. I'd just like to say if anyone is worried or concerned about there symptoms, please inbox me. I'm sure at some point I will have had what you are having. Anxiety causes so many symptoms we are not alone. X