View Full Version : Off to the bank again!!!!!

09-04-07, 23:29
Well its come around again!!!!!!!!Im off to the bank tomorrow,got the right day this time.Can't believe its come round so quickly:ohmy:
Im not feeling as bad as last week yet,probably cos Iv had a trial run:D
I will probably be in the loo most of the morning:blush: I will be taking my no panic teddy to bed tonight.:hugs: Hopefully all will go ok:)

10-04-07, 09:19
Good luck. I'm sure you'll be fine. You've had dry run, now go and get that loan. Let us know how you get on.

10-04-07, 09:34
Hi Ellen

You will be fine tomorrow,:yesyes: sounds like the trail run as helped. :yesyes:

Im sure all will go well Ellen so try not to worry hun.:hugs:

Love and hugs:hugs:


10-04-07, 09:37
hi ellen...
well i am off to the bank to this morning... so will be thinking of you and sending posative vibes... you will be fine i know thats easy for me to say... but just go for it girl you will feel so proud once you have done it and it will be anouther posative achievment to store in your memory.
let us know how it goes

10-04-07, 14:29
DID IT!!!!!:yesyes:
well got there,sat down and then these waves of feelings came over me.Partner asked if I was ok.I told them I get panic attacks,and They asked If I would like the door left open as it was a very small room and very hot.This helped.I kept telling myself "I will not panic"and I didnt.As we started to chat and get things moving along I calmed down.:yesyes:
Im really pleased with myself,this time last year I would have been rushing out and having a major attack.
:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Thank you all for your support,it means so much to me.:hugs:

10-04-07, 14:40
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

heres me thinking it was tomorrow when you where going too. :ohmy:

So pleased it went well, a real Big achievement for you hun !

:emot-partyblower: :emot-partyblower: :emot-partyblower: :emot-partyblower:



10-04-07, 15:06
Well done Ellen

Fab news and you coped so well.

Hold those positive thoughts for future events and trips like this.

11-04-07, 14:42
Thank you everyone.
Iv only got to back again today to sign some forms!!:ohmy:
The manager was sick yesterday and we saw someone who looked about 15,so he couldnt do some of the paper work.Now Iv got to wait until 4.00.Its meeting someone different again,and that waiting until 4.00 seems to go on and on.:wacko:
but hey I can do this again:yesyes:

11-04-07, 15:10
Well done Ellen. You'll be fine today. You did it once and you can do it again.