View Full Version : Need to vent about belly woes

17-12-16, 23:45
So for the last few month my new symptom in the spotlight is my belly. For some reason when I get super stressed my stomach feels like it's on a knot and I tighten the right side of my abdominal muscles. I keep feeling like there must be something wrong with me for this to happen. And I keep pushing on the area to make sure I can't feel any mass or abnormality there. It also looks like in that spot it's a bit raised but when I push on it I can't feel anything, so I'm assuming my daily checking of that area is in fact causing it to swell? Or maybe the fact that I'm almost always leaned sideways tensed up when I'm sitting or laying down causeing it to look uneven? I'm terrified I have some kind of cancer or something, even though my rational mind is telling me that I'm creating this all in my head, my anxiety keeps telling me it could be something!!

Does anyone else experience this type of unrelenting tension that's always in the back of your mind that just won't let you ease up??

Work and Christmas have me super stressed out.

18-12-16, 11:02
Hi there, whenever I get stressed for some reason I get really painful trapped wind! I've had it for years though so I'm assuming there's nothing wrong. It's generally only when I'm at work this happens!

18-12-16, 17:32
I have always felt my anxiety in my tummy... I will be in a lot of pain when anxious.

Tummy woes are par for the course with anxiety. Unfortunately, you get anxious you get tummy pain, which causes you to worry about the pain which causes more pain. Ah!

Breath, relax, eat well.