View Full Version : New Here: Lip/Lower Nose Tingling

18-12-16, 01:04
Recently I've had a ton of health anxiety panic. Basically it started when I had a wicked wicked cold. Had one swollen lymph node with a severe case of sinusitis and an ear infection. Long story short, I feel better and that lymph node has gone all the way down, but the health anxiety has not. Some history: recently I was laid off, and after the cold went away the obsession with the lymph node seems to have gone to other issues: every headache = brain tumor, etc.

I KNOW I am anxious. I have a history or worrying and depression, but until now it has been manageable.

what's happening today? I am having some random tingling in my upper lip. Like a numbness. Maybe 3 times today. Is that normal? With extreme anxiety, I've heard nearly anything is possible. sometimes it'll go up toward my nostril.

I just want to get a handle on this. I have done CBT in the past and I know if I can start living in the moment this will go away. I workout daily but haven't been able to do to traveling for 2 interviews this last weekend and the crazy weather here. Any help or reassurance would be awesome. Thank you. <3

18-12-16, 06:18
Hi Bethel. Not much advice really as I am new here, but just wanted to say I've had a cold/viral infection with sinus and ear infection and swollen glands and I have also had the tingling in the lips. I'm wondering if it's part of this weird virus, although I do know it can be an anxiety symptom too. I was expecting to develop a cold sore or something with the tingling but I haven't so far.

18-12-16, 18:42
OMG! I got that exact symptom a couple of weeks ago. 2 days afterwards I came down with a viral cold/cough. Nothing serious but I'm guessing the tingling/tickling is due to that. I also suffer health anxiety... but trust me, the tingling will go. :) I've had it several times in my life... sometimes lasting more than a few days.
Also it's worth mentioning I suffer from sinus problems and a stuffy nose. Maybe it messes with the nerves in the area.