View Full Version : totally and utterly lost???

Keep going
10-04-07, 00:00
Can anybody give me any adice on where to go forward?

"If my anxiety got better and i start to feel normal again and life goes on. Can i get to a stage where i can meet new friends and have relationships. Or is it a never ending cycle of going to work, coming home, going to work, coming home so on and so on. I'm i destined to be alone? Or is there a life beyond this".

stu :weep:

10-04-07, 11:17
"If my anxiety got better and i start to feel normal again and life goes on. Can i get to a stage where i can meet new friends and have relationships.

Hi Stu

Just because you have anxiety it dosnt mean you cant meet new friends hun. I have made lots of new friends while suffering anxiety, could you not enquire if there are any social groups etc around your area? I joined a local walking group, and also attend a social morning which as helped me no end.
Hope that helps.
Good luck:)



10-04-07, 11:20
hi Stu,

Yes it does get better hun but you have to fight it and not give up and let the anxiety take over!!

Just over 5 years ago i was a complete wreck, couldn't work, was single, having several panic attacks a week, sometimes several a day and now I am nearly qualified as a midwife and got engaged a month ago!

Just dont give up, it can and will get better - just look to the things that make you feel better, get a dog or another pet as something else to think about and care for. I got an 11 week old cocker spanial puppy and he is my little baby that has helped me to get where I am!

Look at the success stories, make yourself feel good and be kind to yourself hun.

Take care and keep smiling

DShell x

10-04-07, 11:29
:hugs: It will get better!! I have been listening to a relaxation CD twice a day and it has really helped. Also I have been using affirmations everyday and whenever I notice negative thoughts I think of a positive affirmation or imagine a safe and comfortable place. Whatever works for you - do it- and be kind to yourself.

10-04-07, 11:36
:hugs: Hiya stu, Andrea and Dshell have given you great support and advice, I can only add that there is life living with anxiety!!!! I had to learn that I didnt have to be 100% healthy to feel good about myself, as I use wonder who would want me with all the anxiety I use to suffer, but I was wrong, and I also began to do voluntary work, joined groups, and met some new friends, to add the ones I have already. Kept mind active, studied, did some online coursed, brushed up on my english and maths, online, with the bbc bite size course, etc..... I just made use of what was available to me, the library is a great source of informations toooo and run all kinds of courses, so that may be a good place to look tooo.

So keep positive and your life will get better and so WILL YOUR CONFIDENCE"!!!!!:)


10-04-07, 12:25
Stu, I can relate to how you feel.

All my life I've had a distinct lack of friends due to how I felt inside. It was not because I was a bad person, but its true Anxiety can be a huge barrier.

Or is it?

I was forced to leave work in December 2003 because of this and overnight I seem to lose what friends I had. Fortunately I gained one soon after - she was the welfare lady at work and she gave me a couple of contacts which lead to me finding this site. I am not naturally gregarious, but have found valuable friends on this site, a number of whom I have met, even though they live far away. Separate from my anxiety, I have a photography hobby that keeps me sane and here again, I have made internet friends which again have resulted in meet-ups. So since I have had anxiety, I feel I have more friends than I had before! I know people can say internet friends aren't real but I'm also measuring this by the additional greetings cards I receive.

However, I do have a gaping hole in my life in that I do not have any close friends in my own town. I do know a few people here via a social group that is run nearby for people with mental difficulties.

I think its important to try and get out and do an activity. For a year, I worked in a charity shop, and some kind of voluntary work is a good idea for recovery. I am looking to do something in this line again once I escape from my current low point that is stopping me from being active. For this, I am getting help from an NHS Occupational Therapist.

So what kind of things do you think you could do? Remember, by doing small things yourself, you will gain confidence. Do you think you could handle gardening or swimming as these are often seen as useful too.

Don't give up mate - we will get there!

Keep going
11-04-07, 22:33
Thanks people for the advice, much appreciated. will give it a try.
