View Full Version : Just woke up feeling sick and panicking

18-12-16, 03:40
It feels like I'm in a bad dream. I wake up feeling sick and anxious, laying there trying to go back to sleep my upper chest, right arm and right leg hurt. So I get up, sitting here, my left jaw and head start to hurt and then palpitations, Seriously, how much of this am I expected to take? Does this ever get better? I'd like a whole day without feeling like my life is over and there's no point going on. Why the hell is this nightmare happening to me?

I wish there where some people in the chat right now.


18-12-16, 04:49
You must have entered the chat exactly at the moment when the people from the US and Australia has just left, and the people from Europe have not yet gotten out of their beds yet! (This written early on a Sunday morning at 5.49 a.m.)