View Full Version : Laryngitis

18-12-16, 08:37
For those who have had Laryngitis before how long did it take before your voice returned to normal? When I say normal I mean in that you could speak without your voice croaking. It's been a week today for me. I've rested my voice as much as possible and thought it was coming back. I can talk now but it is still very croaky and doesn't sound like my voice still.

18-12-16, 09:14
I am a singer so always have it! That's normal it's just a case of the vocal chords still ring a bit inflamed, lots of fluids and rest xx

18-12-16, 11:27
Hi Hopefulmi, thank you very much. This is the first time I've lost my voice. I'm not a singer (I'm actually tone deaf haha) but I've had a nasty viral infection. I think it just concerned me as I still sound completely strange after a week. My collar bone and the front of my neck also feel slightly tingly. Don't know if that's related or not

18-12-16, 11:33
It could be. Acute laryngitis can drag on especially if you have been run down. Another week or two and you should be fine x