View Full Version : Low day

18-12-16, 09:35
A few days a posted about anxiety symptoms but not feeling anxious, I thought I was doing ok, but last night I've realised I'm not.

It was this time last year that my anxiety really kicked in. I was hosting Christmas for the first time and wanted everything to be perfect. I then managed to pull a muscle in my side and convinced myself it was liver cancer and things just went down hill from there.

This year I've taken a different approach to Christmas I'm so organised all I have to do it tidy up and cook the dinner everything else is ready I don't want a repeat of last year.

Mid week I noticed I started feeling a little dizzy every now and again and like my head was filled with cotton wool I'm still feeling like this and it's now starting to scare me. My right ear is also a little sore and around my right eye and cheek aches so it should be a bit of an ear infection I guess?

I feel tired all the time but I'm sleeping loads I was on earlies all week at work so was up at 5am but falling asleep at 8pm every night so I'm getting enough sleep I just feel like my eyes are heavy and I need more.

The dizziness and foggy feeling is the first thing I think of when I wake up hoping that it's gone away and I know with anxiety that will make it worse. When I have a 'dizzy moment' it's like a flip feeling in my head that moves down to my chest then it's gone until it happens again.

I recently made a decision that I was going to transfer stores at work but changed my mind as the hours wouldn't fit in with my little girl. An hour after making the decision the branch manager of another store called me and offered to a job with him. It's more money and closer to home but his team have a reputation of being hard to get on with I have to let him know in the next few days what I want to do I've worked with him before and he is great but I'm not sure I'm ready to change to a new team. My boss is leaving in a months time so whatever I do I'm gonna have new people around.

My mum isn't very well she's got 2 massive lumps in her neck that have been growing over the last few years and are now causing her pain, she went to the Drs for blood tests so we are waiting for the results but I'm terrified it's cancer. We've pleaded with her to go get them checked so many times but she wouldn't and now I'm scared it's gonna be the last Christmas with my mum.

I have so much to do today my daughter has a birthday party to go to but all I want to do is stay home I can't let her down but I'm scared I'll get there and feel dizzy and horrible. It's also my parents 52nd wedding annerversary so we are all meeting there tonight but again I'm not feeling it but don't want to let everyone down.

I've spoken to my partner about all of this and he's so supportive I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful family and lovely friends I just want to feel like myself, today feels like a really low day and I've not had one of those in a while

18-12-16, 09:50
Hi Bakebeansrule, sounds like you have a lot to deal with at the moment and the concern about your mum is a massive deal when it comes to anxiety.

Just try and take a day at a time and don't berate yourself if you need to back down from certain things. Do what you can but listen to your body and when it tells you to rest, you should rest. Ask for help if you need it and by the sounds of it you have a good support network.

Hope things improve soon.


18-12-16, 10:18
I've worked at around 11 workplaces thus far and am about to switch to the 12th one. Almost always the teams are great to work with, there are great colleagues almost everywhere (or at least as great as at the old places). To have a great manager is worth a lot. You have no idea who is coming in to replace your current manager, and the psychology of the team you're in now might switch with a new manager.

Those lumps might not necessarily be cancer, it could just as well be a benign carbuncle for instance, awful as that is as it's a cluster of boils, a boil or furuncle being an infection of a hair follicle that has a small collection of pus, called abscess, under the skin. An infectious carbuncle is contagious and might spread. It must be drained and then removed by a doctor. Don't look at the pictures of carbuncles, they look pretty messy, due to the pus. The internet is great, you can find a great deal of information.

19-12-16, 17:53
Thank you both for your replies. My mum got the all clear today her blood tests didn't show anything nasty so that's a weight off my mind :yesyes: I'm feeling better this afternoon but have a Drs appointment tomorrow for my sore ear so I hope if I get told my dizzyness is just down to an ear infection that will help a lot