View Full Version : Feeling really low tonight

10-04-07, 00:00
ive been recovering pretty well since ive been out of hospital, the reason i went to hospital was because i tried to hang myself, plus ive got a history of self harm. right now i feel very low (the internet can be evil imo) this is because i was on a website forum talking about my condition and some comment's back where like, " you dumb sh*t" another person also said "Only option left is suicide...... " these comments have made me really depressed at the moment & i just feel really bad.

10-04-07, 00:16
Hi Craig,
sorry to hear your feeling low tonight, hope your mood picks up soon

10-04-07, 02:44
You should definately stay away from those sites!! Come to places where people support you. We all go through lows, but the highs will come......I'm sorry you are feeling so bad!

10-04-07, 02:54
I am sorry as well to hear you are feeling so low. I can completely understand how that goes. This site has been such a great help, with all the emotions I have felt.
You should stay here, with friends.

10-04-07, 06:32
Hi Craig,

You sound like you need a big :hugs: . By now I hope you are feeling better. I do hope you stay away from that site that said those nasty things to you, it can only bring you further down. In my opinion wanting to end ones' life is a final solution to a temporary problem or maybe I read it somewhere, perhaps on here. My point is that you can make it though this. I'm not saying it will be easy but you will make it. If and when you feel down go into the chat room here and you will find your spirits lifted or people who will be happy to help you. Post your problems and others will try to help. If you need therapy get it. Do all you can to try and enrich this one great life we get. I know right now you don't see how wonderful it is, but it is, please do all you can to try to grasp the ring on the merry go round. I believe your life is calling out for it to be lived.

Huge hugs,


10-04-07, 10:07
Hi Craig

Heres a BIG HUG :hugs: :hugs: coming your way!

I have to agree with the others, please try and stay away from those kind of web sites:ohmy: , we are all here if you need support hun.

Keep Smiling Craig:)



10-04-07, 10:59
Oh Craig, so sorry to hear you're struggling. Have a big hug from me.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

10-04-07, 11:45
cheers, I dont think i will be using that forum again to many nasty ppl on it.

10-04-07, 13:27

Hope your feeling better today, it is best to stay away from the places that give you the negatives and concentrate on the positives



Trac xx

10-04-07, 14:54

You won't get anyone on here saying those things to you so please stay here and forget those other sites.

10-04-07, 18:19
Craig-whatever you do, stay away from those sites for good. There was a guy in the papers a few weeks ago who was feeling suicidal and actually committed suicide live on a webcam. Some viewers panicked and called the police but others who must be really sick individuals egged him on. Those aren't the kind of people you want to listen to-stick here on NMP or call the Samaritans.
Take Care x