View Full Version : New Here..Please respond

18-12-16, 15:50
Hi! This is my first time posting in one of these discussions. I'm 22 years old just graduated college, have been struggling with depression, anxiety, social anxiety, obsessive thoughts, and more.

I'm on a few different medications, but I had been on Lexapro for about 6 years 10-20 MG, never really thought it worked. I stay in my room and smoke, I do not want to interact with people face to face so I figured this is a good outlet.

I just transitioned over to Prozac 20 MG and it's been about a week or so and I'm getting nervous because it doesn't seem to be working.

Does anyone have any advice for me? Had similar experiences? I feel very nauseas and just blah.

Bike Rider
18-12-16, 15:59
Fluoxetine (Prozac) takes about 5 weeks to become steady state and start to do its job, so its early days for you at the moment.

19-12-16, 03:10
Hi panda,
I can relate to you wanting to stay in and avoid interacting with others, as I do the same at times too, but I do push myself to get out and ride for exercise and confidence.
I too was on lexapro for a very long time, and have recently switched to Prozac. Everyone is different and it can take different lengths of time for the drug to get into your system.
I waited 12 weeks before increasing from 20 - 40mg and have been on that for a few months now. Overall I have had more better than bad days, and does think it is helping.
Initially I had horrible side effects and found this site to be extremely helpful. Have a look thru my diary and hope that can help you a bit.
Your not alone, and very strong for trying to get some help. Keep in touch and all the best.