View Full Version : GAD with no worries?

18-12-16, 17:00
I was diagnosed with GAD about 8 years ago, after I was terribly ill before a holiday, and I've been on and off medication since.

My main issues are the physical symptoms, particularly stomach issues and nausea. When I'm having a particularly bad time with it all I come on here to read and reassure myself.

The problem I have is that there is no root cause to my anxiety symptoms, I feel on edge, tense, my stomach is noisy, I need the toilet a lot, I'm nauseous, wrenching, often vomit, no appetite, shake uncontrollably, hot then cold then hot again... yet I have no idea what I'm worried about.

My work life is ok and my family life is great, and as such I feel like a bit of a fraud.

I've been suffering quite badly over the last week or so and was terrible last night only getting an hours sleep. I feel like if I could put my finger on a problem, a worry, then I could try and solve the issues but there's nothing.


18-12-16, 18:18
Hmmm. Have you been to see a counselor?

I am not sure what it is like where you live, but here I feel like life in general is so busy. I am busy with working full time and having 2 kids, but life around me is busy too. The speed of life is fast and everyone always seems to be rushing about. "Stressed out" "busy" are common phrases used by everyone around me, even the students in my second grade class. Everyone seems to be anxious or worried.

I think it is common to not know where the worry is coming from. We live in a world that makes it difficult NOT to worry!

You should talk to someone though

18-12-16, 18:28
The most difficult thing is discovering what it is in our subconscious mind that causes us to feel panic and anxiety. The physical symptoms are very obvious and happen, of course, on a conscious level. If you choose to see a therapist, they might help discover what triggered your anxiety in the first place. Try not to feel guilty about not being able to figure out the cause of your anxiety. It's a long process...

21-12-16, 15:05
Thanks for the replies.

I don't think I have a particularly stressful life, my anxiety is certainly worse since my son was born 2 years ago and I am scared he's going to start to notice and it will affect him. That's certainly an intrusive thought that manifests once my anxiety takes hold.

I'm currently on 30mg Citalopram a day which seemed to be doing the trick until last week. I'm so on edge at the moment and just cannot relax in the slightest. My neck and back are killing from being so tense all the time. My stomach is constantly in flux. Getting to work is a struggle as I constantly feel like calling in sick.

My wife is as supportive as she can be without fully understanding the struggle. I've spoken to my Doctor who doesn't seem to think therapy would be worth it as there seems to be no underlying cause.

21-12-16, 16:07
Sent you a PM

21-12-16, 19:07
I do believe that there is an underlying cause for your (and everybody else's) anxiety. It doesn't just happen haphazardly. I'm sorry to hear you're struggling at the moment and are feeling quite anxious. Sometimes stress just accumulates and it manifests through anxiety symptoms.