View Full Version : Concerns about tonsil cancer

18-12-16, 21:15
Hi there,
Wondering if anyone can help me with this one, my anxiety is startyto get the better of me regarding my right tonsil, it is bigger than the left but it's not huge. It hasn't shrunk at all and I can feel it when I swallow and even when I don't. I would like to add I have tonsil stones in this tonsil only too. I was a smoker for 10 years but quit 2 years ago, I don't drink but did in my younger years, I have a post nasal drip but what makes me worry is I have HPV the ones that causes cancer, iv just had a operation to remove abnormal cells off my cervix caused by this virus. I know it can cause throat cancer and I'm fully aware that my anxiety could have latched onto this and be causing phantom lump sensations. I think I'm just worried so much with me having the hpv virus. My dr said as iv had this for 10 weeks I will need a ent referral but I had a ent camera up my nose am down my throat last year and it was fine and I had a brain MRI scan in August that was also fine, I don't know if a brain MRI scan would show the throat or just brain. The scan was for something totally unrelated and being successfully treated. Sorry to waffle on I just wanted to give the full picture. Thankyou

18-12-16, 21:43
it's quite common for tonsils to not be uniform
especially if you've had issues with one already