View Full Version : Coping Strategies

19-12-16, 00:22
Sorry if this has been posted before
Just wondering what is everybody's coping strategy when they have a Panic Attack mine don't work anymore as my Panic Attacks have moved up to another level! I would use distraction (games, etc) and/or breathing exercises, but it's as though my brain is immune to it.

19-12-16, 04:27
My best strategy is finding a place to myself (hard to do with two young kids at home!) breathing for one minute while laying down in counts of 8. Then I watch TV. if my girls are otherwise occupied. I always need to be binge watching something so I have my comfort show... If the girls need me then I usually will watch a show with them. Christmas time is great because we can watch tons of Christmas movies! I also get out of the house and do something distracting like go to the mall or roller skating or something that takes my focus.

Another thing I do, this will sound weird, is to look at myself in the mirror and very sternly say: "You are healthy and strong. You do not have a history of disease in your family. You deserve to live happily ever after"

Hot epson salt baths help a lot too! Oh and dancing it out. Putting music on and dancing with my girls or alone really helps too! I have a happy mix for this very purpose!

I have learned that for me one thing that triggers terrible anxiety is lack of sleep so I try as hard as I can to sleep.

Chamomile tea, yoga and helping others on this forum have helped as well.
I have been looking at the "unanswered threads" link under "search" and have been answering as many people as I can. Reading others stories and offering advice calms me.

I hope that helps.


19-12-16, 07:45
That's interesting reading Mochi, thankyou

I agree about the dancing! Being active is about the only thing that can work for me at the moment, just being active from pacing up and down the room to household chores.

And a lack of sleep could be hindering me.

19-12-16, 10:58
Exercising and keeping my mind occupied with games that require thinking is what seems to be working for me. Also, colouring. :blush: I find colouring pages for adults and spend those anxious hours in my day focusing on the drawing in front of me. It helps with the tension, a lot.

20-12-16, 17:10
Thanks Ana, colouring for adults that's a new one might have a look at that

20-12-16, 19:08
No problem. :) I find it very calming and soothing. Plus, it's creative and keeps the mind engaged.

21-12-16, 12:20
The best coping mechanism I found is to let the attack happen and just focus on my reaction, rather than the symptoms.

If I have waves of panic, so be it. If my heart is racing at 140bpm, so be it.

It always passes, so just let it be.

21-12-16, 19:09
It's very difficult to fight off the urge to panic over...panic and just 'let it be'. I personally find that, if I acknowledge what's going on with me ('I'm having a panic attack') and then turn my attention to other things, or better still, completely ignore the anxiety, it subsides rather quickly.