View Full Version : Can extreme stress bring on a post menopause bleed?

19-12-16, 11:55
Can anyone please help to calm me? I had a post menopausal bleed last week after 4 years no bleeding.This was due to a massive family row over a loved one in a nursing home.The next morning I woke with bleeding told to go to a&e and now got to see a gynae for tests to rule out big c. So I am frantic.I have had an awful stressful year and I am clutching at straws that that is why had the bleed.If they say got Cancer my world is over all this just before Christmas I am frantic with worry please can someone help reasure me?

19-12-16, 12:04
I'm not a female but yes, i'd say so. This happened to my friend who is in her 40s.
She had some sort of procedure done to to remove the lining and cease menses. During a period of great stress/depression she bled.

The body does strange things when it's under too much load.

19-12-16, 21:00
I don't know about stress causing it but I had a post menopausal bleed 2 and a half years after periods stopped. Panicked just like you are now, had a scan and didn't need any other tests as lining thin. Gynae told me that sometimes it's like a last little surge by the ovaries and relatively common but yes of course you're doing the right thing and getting checked out. I know stress can affect hormones so it's possible. At the time I was taking soya isoflavones to help hot flushes but stopped taking after this as worried about oestrogenic effect, are you taking any supplements that might affect hormones?
Try not to worry although I know that's hard, have a 'wait and see' attitude because if everything's ok you'll have worried and spoilt Xmas for nothing and it could also be a number of other benign things like a fibroid. If it is more serious then you'll face it head on and deal with it because that's what you'll have to do. worry won't change anything but will just make you miserable so just deal with today and don't allow your mind to do the 'what ifs'!!
Take care and I hope you get good news that all is ok.
Seffie x

19-12-16, 21:13
NJJ... I responded to your first post about this 3 days ago.

You never acknowledged my response.

Is there a reason?

19-12-16, 22:47
I don't think that anxiety can cause bleeding when you have been through menopause. Especially 4 years after. However, I know an infection can so you should calm down and be somewhat reassured that other things can cause post menopausal bleeding.