View Full Version : Panic Attacks

19-12-16, 14:09

I hope someone can give me advice, over the past month I've been struggling with Panic Attacks.

The first problem occurred when I was on holiday with my fiancee, I'd been slightly anxious about flying because of coming back ill on a plane the previous time I'd been away, however once I got on the plane this time and we where flying there was no problem at all. However when we got there I had a few disappointing phone calls from work which annoyed me, as I'd worked very long hours in the days leading up to it to enable me to go. I now had what i realised was panic attacks, migraine headaches nausea etc. The next day I started worrying about work and the flight home a week later. In the end I was that bad that we decided to get the plane home early.

I am due to get married in 15 months, I've never been a big fan of marriage, however I love my fiancee and want us to have children together in the future. However my anxiety has caused me to question if I'm doing the right thing, we've been together for 6 years and I know I am doing the right thing but I have negative thoughts about it. Is this all normal? Do most people have small concerns about getting married that is enhanced by their anxiety? Are there any good coping mechanisms, I don't really want to take drugs prescribed by doctors.

19-12-16, 14:26
Completely normal. Although people can be flippant about it marriage is a big commitment if you really want to make it work. I was with my wife for 11 years before I made the commitment. I was not a big fan of marriage, but it was definitely worth it; in hindsight. You've got a good 6 years under your belt so I know you are going to be OK.

It is a stressful day, not to mention the undue stress people but themselves under if they go in with the mindset of it being "perfect" and trying to please everybody. There are only two people you need to please. You and your bride.

In regards to the panic attacks. If you are dead set against drugs then getting some help via therapy can teach you how to manage them. I don't believe I have ever had a full blown attack, but I think I've been on the edge a number of times. I've learnt some things that helped me get them under control.

30-12-16, 13:45
Thanks for the advice Kuatir.

I'm still struggling with the negative thoughts, the more I try to get rid of them the more they seem to remain. I am struggling with letting them pass through and not reacting as they are a distressing to me. I've made a commitment to my fiancée, one that I want to see through and it feels like these thoughts are getting in my way and troubling me.