View Full Version : Having a bad day

20-10-04, 09:06
as you all know ive been having panic attacks, i have now started to get a cold and chest infection aswell. My nose, throat and chest feel tight and clostrophobic, its scaring me as now i feel the fear of more intense panic attacks comming on.

Love Sarah-Jane xxxx

20-10-04, 09:24
The side-effects of a cold are nasty and irritating, I hope you get better soon. Try to distract yourself from the panic, maybe by watching some tv. I prefer activities that fully engage my brain (crosswords, patience, jig saw puzzles) so that it loses its focus on the panic.

And of course stay warm and make sure you drink lots!

20-10-04, 10:15
Hiya SJ

Unfortunately when we are feeling a bit under the weather our panic 'sensors' do seem to trip rather more easily than usual as we are so sensitive to what is going on in our bodies and we don't like it if its anything different! Try to chill and take it easy until your cold passes and make sure you stock up on vitamin C - if you take a supplement around every 4 waking hours there is good evidence to suggest that the duration of your cold can be reduced by up to 20% :D

Best wishes, Jo x

20-10-04, 11:29
Hi Sarah-Jayne

Theres a lot of nasty bugs going round at the moment flu being one of them. My hubby and kids are all home with it at the moment. Chesty symptoms do make panic attacks more intense but there is little you can do other than look after yourself and try to relax. Make sure you take care of your health during a cold or illness with plenty of fluids and vitamin c. Honey and lemon for a cough is very soothing and sucking ice lollies often helps.

Hope youre feeling better soon!

Love Minny..xx

I have NOT failed!! Ive succeeded in finding 1000 solutions that dont work! :o)

20-10-04, 12:39
hi sj
im sending you a virtual hot water bottle to keep you nice and toasty
drink loads of water to flush it out and i found hi doses of vitamin c good for colds and flu
this one is for you HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG im not letting go until you are better
love d xxxxxx

20-10-04, 14:12
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon. Lots of warm drinks will help!


20-10-04, 15:44
Hi Sarah-Jane

I'm sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I also find vitamin c helps with a cold.

Hope you feel better soon.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

20-10-04, 15:47
Hi Sarha,

Sorry you are not feeling well:(
I'm the same right now, there are lots of bugs going
round. When we feel like this we have to work twice
as hard, not only fighting the bug, but to keep Mr
Panic away.
Positive thought's Sarah, a bug will only last for a
short time.
In th mean time keep yourself warm and have a
relaxing bath.

Sending you get well wishes.



May your troubles be less
and your blessing be more
and nothing but happiness
come through your door..

20-10-04, 17:21
Hi Sarah

I hate it when I get a cold and you can't breathe through your nose - I get panicky too then!

Try and get some olbas oil or vicks to sniff as it will clear the head. You could also try those menthol eucalyptus sweets or some fishermans friend.

Once you can breathe a bit better it will help calm you.

Sore throats are bad too cos you think you can't swallow.

What are we like eh?


20-10-04, 19:12
Just had a nice relaxing bath which was great but now im out my head hurts throat feels like its closing up nose feels blocked chest feels tight feel i cant breathe. what vitiamins etc can take to help shake this feeling im gonna send andy to asda chemist i feel a bad night comming on xxxx

Love Sarah-Jane xxxx

20-10-04, 20:10
Hi Sarah-Jane, as suggesed lots of vick to rub on and sniff, strong throat sweets to suck, and hot drinks, if you feel you are in for a bad night, stay up and perhaps get cosy on settee, lots of pillows and covers, maybe watch a video or tv/ read, whatever you would prefer, a little fresh air coming in turn off the heating, and try to relax ( easier said than done ) don't think about any jobs or chores that have to be done, just get better

20-10-04, 20:14
Hi Sarah, I had this 2 weeks ago and it was horrible! The nights are always the worst we try and relax and it doen't let us! I used some night nurse which also makes you a little more relaxed and I also had some throat spray which helped a lot too. Get everything you can to try and help you feel a little better, Hope yau get well soon Tara xx

20-10-04, 21:15
Hi, Sarah Jane!

Over on this side of the big pond, we're all catching the same type bug... I've blown my nose so much that I look like Rusolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (Do you all have Rudolph over there???)

Hang in there. Just keep reminding yourself that these twinges are from your cold, not your mind... I had to do it myself, last week, and you know what? It worked!!! I was really concerned after what happened to me last year with the flu, but, using the tools I learned here on the site and elsewhere, it has gotten much easier to do.

Take deep breaths, hot soaking baths (Worked wonders for me), and keep your mind occupied with a good book or tv show while you're under the weather. You'll make it thru, I promise!!!

I'll be thinking of you...

Love Rick

It is better to be a free bird than a captive king...

20-10-04, 23:27
Hi Sarah Jane

Sorry to hear things arent any better. Remember to take your Vitamin B6 as helps and zinc. I think we could try all sorts but it is what helps us. I take vit B6, evening of primrose oil and zinc.

Got your pm and if you want to talk you have know where i am.

Love Sal xxxxx

21-10-04, 09:58
Thanks everyone i had the crappiest night ever last night, have a chest infection as well as this damn cold and coughing up greenies (ewww sorry to be graphic) i had panic attack after panick attack last night as well as 3 baths to try and relax. i hope i dont have a nother night like last night again ...scary isnt the word xxxxxxxx

Love Sarah-Jane xxxx

21-10-04, 10:02
Hi hon

Sorry you had such a bad night, hopefully you will feel tired tonight due to lack of sleep and get a good nights sleep.

What are you doing today?

Love Sal xxxxx

21-10-04, 12:06
Ive now been to the chemist got some seven seas multivitimins and lemon and honey mixture as well as vicks, hopefully i will be feeling a bit better soon, still worrying about the panic attacks though and am feeling very tight in the chest, head, and nose xxxx

Love Sarah-Jane xxxx

21-10-04, 18:54
Hi Sarah-Jane, Hope you are feeling a little better, these things take time, especially at this time of year, it's neither hot or cold and the germs are flowing. Take your time and try to be patient try not to worry too much about having another bad night, as previously suggested, you may be so tired tonight, that you will sleep a little better. If not, you will cope as you did last night, and maybe have a lie in tommorow, if that is at all possible. wishing you well.

22-10-04, 22:32
Hiya Sarah Jane

Hope you're feeling a little better by now and that your naughty bug is working its way out of your system[}:)]

Love Jo xxx