View Full Version : Lack of mental energy

19-12-16, 17:12
Hi all,

I'm a bit worried about my random lack of mental energy. I get it every now and then, usually after lots of socialising or long days at work.

The first time I experienced it was the worst... I had to give my team their yearly reviews at work, and went through them one by one. By the end, I felt like I could barely talk, and my eyes felt so heavy. At the same time I felt wired and a little hyper. From then on I started getting anxiety symptoms and stressed way more often and easily.

I am an introvert and my work now is much quieter. I am a freelancer and usually work on my own at home. I'm 29/F and have never found it easy to say the right words. I also have social anxiety and occasional depression. I used to be pretty smart as a child/ teenager, but now I feel pretty dumb/ slow. If I have a mentally difficult day now, it really wipes me out. Some days I feel my brain shutting down around 4-5pm and just have to stop. I feel like I have to vegetate for the night afterwards... even talking to my boyfriend is hard. When it's been really bad in the past, I've even had to take the next day off work. Usually, meditation will help, but sleep is the best cure.

It worries me when I get it because I never used to have it prior to the team review event. I remember being very stressed at the time as I had pressures from my bosses to do a thorough job, and it's not something that comes naturally to me. I don't get the mental fatigue often either, so it's a little bizarre. Has anyone else had something like this?