View Full Version : trembling/shaking inside

19-12-16, 19:31
I suffer from anxiety and have been taking Zoloft for 5 days now (starting off low). This morning I woke up and felt super anxious. I felt like I was internally shaking .. it really scared me. I got all worked up and had a panic attack. I tried deep breathing and meditating for about 15 minutes. I started to feel a bit better, but could not stop the scary thoughts In my head. I worried that I was having a heart attack. How do you stop a panic attack from forming. I took a Xanax to calm down. I need to be able to function at work and anxiety is ruining my life.

19-12-16, 20:19
I can't tell you how to stop panic attack. I can tell you the internal shaking is something I suffer from. It's probably also a start up affect of Zoloft.

20-12-16, 16:58
I get the shaking inside feeling and I can honestly say the best way to stop the panic attack is NOT to be frightened of it. Simply let it happen. In fact will it to happen and I promise it will pass and become less. Simply ride it out. If you panic your simply feeding the thought and it will happen more. Once your body realised its nothing to fear they will become less and less. Takes practice and the odd one gets me thinking shit but I always get control back. Xx

20-12-16, 19:50
Thank you. It's so hard - I am terrified of all of these anxiety symptoms. I've had some very strange ones. I will try to work on not being afraid of them.