View Full Version : Terrified about bowel/colon cancer.

19-12-16, 19:40
Hello everybody. This is my first post here, but I honestly just feel like I need some sort of comfort. I've been absolutely terrified about having colon/bowel cancer. I'm 19, and although the odds seem against me, plus the fact I don't feel sick/ seem to be exhibiting any symptoms, this fixation still seems to be dominating my life.

My main concern is whenever I have a bowel movement, I suffer a great deal of anxiety as if it is some sort of ordeal.

Anyway, my main concern is that I have been incredibly anxious recently, and have also found my bowel movements a bit off. They seem to swap between soft/looser to constipation. Today especially, I had some constipation. Anyway, whilst wiping I noticed there was nothing to wipe except for a darkish brown, slightly viscous liquid that terrified me. I made sure to check its colouration thoroughly, and there wasn't a hint of red or black, but it has still incredibly shaken me. I eventually succumbed to googling, believing it could be an example of rectal bleeding, and whilst I never saw an example of that I seemed to notice that some pictures could be classifying any sort of change in the colouration of the water in the bowel as evidence of rectal bleeding. I didn't read anything about this, I only saw the pictures and quickly closed the tab, but this has only made my fears worse.

Anyway, does this is any way sound like some sort of ominous sign of bowel cancer, can "off" bowel habits be explained by a great deal of constant anxiety, and what actually constitutes a rectal bleed? Would I definitely know if I had one- or is any change in the colouration of the water a sign?

Sorry about this long, disgusting post, I've been incredibly scared recently.


Sam Winter
20-12-16, 01:08
I've not had a great deal of experience in the bowl cancer fear area but as a suffer from IBS and chronic constipation I'd like to weigh in on certain things, I understand where you're coming from with being a fixation I have a similar thing with the fear of breaking bones, the odds are definitely pretty low for you especially considering your age, it would be quite rare for you to get bowl cancer. even if what you found was rectal bleeding there are many things that more likely before cancer, you say you had a bit of constipation, was going kinda hard? (I know this is a little tmi but tears or strains while going can cause rectal bleeding so can piles. I quite doubt you have bowl cancer and there are many reasonable explanations that it could be x

20-12-16, 09:29
Thanks for the re-assurance, I'm feeling a bit better.

I'm not actually sure if it was rectal bleeding (and I certainly hope it wasn't). Would rectal bleeding ever be brown?

20-12-16, 16:26
I echo Sams input.

Given your age, and the complete lack of symptoms Id bet a kidney your issues arent nearly as nefarious as you suspect.

I have bowel/colon concerns too and my Dr tells me "I dont need to hear about them unless your stools are black, white or there is significant blood."

20-12-16, 16:42

Just wondering, once thing I have always worried is if there may be blood and I didn't recognise it, and have spent a lot of time fretting over whether something was blood. If there was blood present, and given I'm pretty observant, would I know?

20-12-16, 16:56
I assume that by your being observant your actively checking you would notice.

One of my all time lows was literally crouching at the toilet with a flashlight checking my "work".

Its more common than you might think....

20-12-16, 17:48
I also have had bowel cancer worries in the past, and went for a camera up my backside which was not very nice, something was spotted but not polyp or cancer, something quite common which may have needed keyhole but I did not need it, a small pouch which I may have there since birth I dont know.

drink more water, eat more fiber