View Full Version : Job change exacerbating anxiety

19-12-16, 21:06
Hi all.

First time poster - thanks ahead of your replies - it's so nice to find a forum of people going through the same sort of stuff. It's reassuring.

I have recently changed my job - going from being self-employed and largely homeworking back to a 9-5 office job. I thought it's what I wanted, as money (or lack of it) was becoming a persistent cause of anxiety, which was affecting my relationship with my partner (unable to take holidays, plan far ahead to future). So, I decided to go back into full-time, salaried work.

I've been doing so for a few weeks now, and my anxiety has intensified. I wake feeling incredibly sad, then get teary and panicky on my way to work, feel sweaty, nauseous at work, then tired and sad when I get home. My mind is full of racing thoughts, and they're all contradictory. So I go between feeling inadequate and I can't do the job to feeling silly for taking a boring office job when I was in a job before that many would kill for (albeit money was tight).

And my main fear is that I convinced myself a steady, well-paid job would cure the anxiety which had been building for around 18 months. But it hasn't - it has made it worse. Which has driven me to the GP to be prescribed anti-depressants for the first time, and being referred for talking therapies. I recognise now my anxiety is the problem, not my external situation.

But the fact remains that I have a new job, and one which I'm now telling myself I took as a result of my anxiety. Not because it was a good idea. Because my silly head told me to. And it didn't help. So I don't know whether to quit, and go back to my low-paid but relatively creatively fulfilling job, and try to fix my anxiety in the meantime, or keep going and hope I feel better in my new role.

Blah. Any help is welcome.

19-12-16, 21:15
Is the job really boring? Do you really hate it that much when you think about it objectively? Or is it just that it's causing you anxiety and you're associating those bad feelings with the position?

I've found that anytime I start a new job, it takes a solid month at least before I stop feeling anxious at work. I'm about to start a new one in the first part of January and I'm petrified to be honest, but I know it's coming.

I honestly think you should stick it out, at least for a couple of months. If you still hate it, evaluate your options then. Is it possible for you to consider a part-time job in addition to your self-employment?

19-12-16, 23:30
Hi all.

First time poster - thanks ahead of your replies - it's so nice to find a forum of people going through the same sort of stuff. It's reassuring.

I have recently changed my job - going from being self-employed and largely homeworking back to a 9-5 office job. I thought it's what I wanted, as money (or lack of it) was becoming a persistent cause of anxiety, which was affecting my relationship with my partner (unable to take holidays, plan far ahead to future). So, I decided to go back into full-time, salaried work.

I've been doing so for a few weeks now, and my anxiety has intensified. I wake feeling incredibly sad, then get teary and panicky on my way to work, feel sweaty, nauseous at work, then tired and sad when I get home. My mind is full of racing thoughts, and they're all contradictory. So I go between feeling inadequate and I can't do the job to feeling silly for taking a boring office job when I was in a job before that many would kill for (albeit money was tight).

And my main fear is that I convinced myself a steady, well-paid job would cure the anxiety which had been building for around 18 months. But it hasn't - it has made it worse. Which has driven me to the GP to be prescribed anti-depressants for the first time, and being referred for talking therapies. I recognise now my anxiety is the problem, not my external situation.

But the fact remains that I have a new job, and one which I'm now telling myself I took as a result of my anxiety. Not because it was a good idea. Because my silly head told me to. And it didn't help. So I don't know whether to quit, and go back to my low-paid but relatively creatively fulfilling job, and try to fix my anxiety in the meantime, or keep going and hope I feel better in my new role.

Blah. Any help is welcome.

I've recently just started a new job two weeks ago after being in my previous job for a few years. My job is based 9-5 in an office too. It takes me a while to get into a new job, to feel confident around people and for the anxiety to slowly ease. I'm currently on four months of being on an AD for anxiety and I can say it has eased my anxiety so much that I now live a normal life and I'm in control of my anxiety. AD's have worked for me but they can take time to work. Maybe try and do a pros and cons list of why you should keep your current job or why you should quiet may help you to make a decision.

All the best. :)