View Full Version : Its sad and Im scared and don''t know why Crazy I dont know?

10-04-07, 03:49
How do you know if you are crazy ,bipolar,scizoid,or just plain anxious.I get worried because i feel something professionals tell me i dont.But i dont hear voices or do strange things..I do keep asking the same old questions and hear the same old answers from people that smother there anxiety with drugs or drinking.If i could i would but i cannot .Drugs react to me horribly and im allergic to alcohol..I don't want to live like this the rest of my life in fear..I don't want to feel like this all the time with people thinking in their mind what a hypocondriac i am .Im not crazy and I do feel the things I do ,I hear my heartbeat effortlessly and well feel sensations that others do but im not crazy or for the most part want to feel that im not..its strange that I can find comfort in a scarcatic drunk that tells me there is absolutley nothing wrong with me because they are a medical expert and then when sober judges me and thinks im nothing but a hypocondriac.. I hate being crazy ..or not..Im not sure anymore.Im told that I don't feel and experience the things i do but then again how can they be sure..They don't feel them or hear them.? I am scared I don't want to be crazy please help me.. does others feel the way I do?I dont want to exist in worry and fret yet its so tiring just to go out and go through the day everyday . You would think the harder you try the better you would feel yet the way i feel has not subsided but gotten worse from the exercise..I give up what can you do.Am i really crazy or just anxious and will this continue till the last heart beat that I have ..Please God help me I suffer and with a billion others. .what have we done wrong..what have we all done wrong to suffer.Please God take these feelings away and prove we were feeling the things that we are.. and that we arent just losing it..

10-04-07, 04:13
Worrying about going crazy is often a part of anxiety. It doesn't mean that you are going crazy, or ever will be. It's just hard not to over analyse everything. It's not easy to retrain our thoughts. I've seen a person go through a pyschotic break before, and it wasn't anything like anx. She didn't question whether or not it was happening. She was confident in her sanity, even as it slipped away. Before she went in hospital, there was no doubting her condition. She broke away from reality and into something else entirely. All that to say, I don't think you're going crazy :)

I think you're down and anxious and feeling terribly exhausted and frustrated with it all. That's common for so many of us. I wish there was an easy fix for it, but it takes time and help--the kind we get from others, as well as the kind we give ourselves. I'm feeling pretty rotten lately, too. Sometimes I think I always will, and sometimes I'm very optimistic for the future.

Here's to better days.



14-04-07, 11:19
Schizophrenia and Bi Polar Disorder may share some basic elements of anxiety (i.e. intrusive thoughts and depression are two that I personally identify with) however there are huge differences between these mental illnesses and anxiety and panic disorders which would be easily diagnosed by your GP, counsellor or mental health professional. Reemy is right in saying that worrying about going crazy being a part of anxiety for many people, the fear of going "crazy", "mad" or "losing control" one of the classic symptoms. Rest assured, however, that is is impossible to go crazy from anxiety.

Re: drugs and alcohol - self-medicating is a Very bad idea - they actually make the problem worse, rather than helping. I would suggest that you talk to a professional who may be able to prescribe some medication to help with the anxiety - but please stay away from recreational drugs!

Feel some comfort at least in the knowledge that you are not alone in feeling this way, check out the number of members who post with similar problems. The best news is that we are all here for each other and we can and will get better.

My very best wishes,


19-04-07, 02:56
Thanks..I think i have good days and bad days and yes I could possibly have bipolar a little..im not extreme but wonder sometimes..Just wanted to say thank you for your imput and support..