View Full Version : Hold breath while falling asleep

19-12-16, 23:02
Hi everyone,

I'm hoping I can get some advice about this. I have these episodes where I basically hold my breath when I am falling asleep. I can feel it and it jolts me awake, feels like my heart is skipping and makes me gasp for air.
This doesn't happen every night. Sometimes it happens a couple times, other times it will happen for hours before I can fall asleep for good.
I have done a little research and I am concerned because I keep reading about Central Sleep Apnea, which seems a little scary. It says it is typically caused from an underlying condition. I have had many heart tests in the past due to another condition, and that always checks out fine, so I'm thinking it's not that.
Does this warrant a sleep study, or does it seem anxiety related? Usually when it happens, I really don't feel anxious. And it also seems worse when I eat or drink too much. I do have acid reflux as well...
Any input would be appreciated. It's really a terrible feeling and I lose a lot of sleep when it gets bad. Thanks!

19-12-16, 23:17
I've just posted a few seconds ago about waking up gasping for air in the middle of the night now and again, it feels like a sensation when you swallow a drink and it 'goes down the wrong way' and you accidentally take a breath and you land up coughing and gasping :-( Is it anything like that?

I feel your pain, it is very scary!! xx

19-12-16, 23:45
No, mine isn't like that unfortunately. Mine just feels like I am holding my breath...I don't feel like I am choking or anything. It almost feels like my heart drops and I am not breathing...it's awful!

bin tenn
20-12-16, 00:38
Not uncommon for people with anxiety or when under stress. It's happened to me a few times over the years. Maybe sleep apnea is one possibility if not anxiety/stress, but I can't tell you much about that because I don't know enough myself.

27-09-17, 11:49
Did anyone ever get an answer for this? I am going through the same thing and cant get answer? Its so horrid :(

27-09-17, 15:32
I found that when my acid reflux is really bad, or I ate too much that night, I would have these episodes... it’s definitely not fun!

27-09-17, 16:06
Its awful isnt it! I hate the not knowing what causes it aswel. Scary x