View Full Version : Newbie! Walking miracle after self diagnosis of multiple illnesses.

20-12-16, 01:05
Hi I'm new here and after reading lots and lots of your threads I'm already finding some comfort.

As you can see from my title I am a walking miracle.... Thins year alone I have self diagnosed myself with DVT, Collapsed lung, heart attack, meningitis, diabetes, underactive thyroid, brain tumour, and I have currently talked myself into sepis!

I can laugh reading this back and know I am ridiculous but it still gets me every time!

i have suffered with anxiety since about the age of 7.... I used to worry about the end of the world 🙈 it disappeared for a long time and then at 21 came back in the form of I thought I was going crazy. CBT helped ALOT. In fact it was gone until around a year ago when I had a really rubbish time of it and it's slowly reared its ugly head again since then.

Not to sure what to expect from this post but it's let me get things off my chest slightly, and hopefully even get a sleep lol.

It would be nice to talk to some people who understand though. My boyfriend and parents try their best but secretly I think they just agree with me to shut me up lol.

Hope to speak with some people soon 😊

20-12-16, 01:57
Oh my jeez after reading this I laughed because this is me! Haha
Last year mine was als,ms, heart attack, candida overgrowth, cancer etc. it went away for months I didn't worry too much and then every year around this time I get panic attacks and think the worst. Right now it's cervical cancer and or heart problems I've also scheduled probably an unnecessary amount of doctors appointments lol. I always feel like I'm annoying my husband along with the rest of my family so i try to not talk about it so much but I'm always scared something is wrong and try to go on here to calm my mind lol.

But you're not alone, I'm at a constant battle with myself everyday because of my stupid health anxiety!:wacko:

20-12-16, 02:12
Yeah I'm also finding that there seems a pattern at this time of year.

I read it back and laugh at myself, the rational non-panicky part thinks it's funny lol but it's horrible as you know when you are in the depths of it.

Dr Google definitely doesn't do us any favours whatsoever... My poor boyfriend wants to ban me from searching it haha.

I hope you find some relief in your worries soon.

20-12-16, 07:58
Dr Google definitely doesn't do us any favours whatsoever... My poor boyfriend wants to ban me from searching it haha.

I think computers should automatically shut themselves down the instant anxiety cases like us type in anything remotely health related into the search bar. :scared15:

20-12-16, 08:27
I agree Nora B.... Considering parental controls for myself haha.

20-12-16, 16:30
google should be used for cat pics and homework.

It holds nothing good for people like us