View Full Version : Worried about my heart

20-12-16, 03:08
Hey guys. Some of you probably read my thread about being worried about getting one of my teeth pulled today. Well, when I went to the appointment they did an X-ray and decided that wisdom teeth are impacted and that it would be best to get them taken out at the same time as my broken tooth. They told me that I would be put to sleep for it which immediately freaked me out. My appointment isn't going to be for a couple months but I'm panicking right now that I won't wake back up. I know that when you go in for surgery like this they take your blood pressure/pulse on a machine constantly throughout it. A few years back I had pneumonia and my heart rate shot go to an outrageous number. Of course the doctors told me how serious this could be and they ordered a blood est and EKG. Both tests came back fine and it was left at that. For my school physical of course I was worried my pulse would be up but the nurse told me that it was fine but my blood pressure was just up a bit but she told me she wasn't worried at all because she knows I was nervous. I googled ( yes stupid of me, I know! ) and a story came to about a girl who went in for her wisdom teeth to be removed and they actually discovered an urgent heart problem since her pulse was abnormal. Now I can't even sleep, I'm so convinced that that's going to happen to me. Then there was a story where a girl went into cardiac arrest during her procedure because her blood pressure shot up. Last year I had a root canal and my blood pressure was taken beforehand and my dentist never said anything about it so I'm assuming it was fine but I can't help but be freaked out, it makes me not even want to go to my appointment. Ugh. Has anyone else had problems with their pulse being high? I'm 16 and it happened over 3 years ago and it still freaks me out.

bin tenn
20-12-16, 03:23
At 16, the only practical cause for such an issue (as far as I know) would be a congenital heart defect (practically from birth). Yes, those can sometimes go undetected for many years, but not likely, IMO. I think you'll do just fine. Don't put the appointment off.