View Full Version : Anxious chest

20-12-16, 05:50
Hey guys I'm in need of some help. This is Really long and I'm sorry.

It started with some heart palps and me feeling my heart pounding throughout my body. I stood up (I was laying down) and my heart rate went through the roof I felt dizzy and short of breath. Tried going through my calming techniques to no avail. Finally called my mom and broke down ugly crying and panicked that I was going to die. I only felt better when I would talk so I talked her ear for 4 hrs!! Until the hubs got home then I went on to him and ugly cried till I felt tired.
Now I'm just here dealing with an anxious chest. My jaw hurts don't know if it's from the talking or maybe I was clenching my teeth in between but I feel a ton of pressure on my jaw. With this panic attack came an overwhelming since of desperation. Of failure. Of sadness. And of anger.
Each has a reason which I can go on for days. But they all amount to the same thing stress. Stress out the wazoo :(

I happened to watch a video before all this that had me searching the web. It was called "heart attack at 31", freaked me out as I watched it. And like an idiot I kept on looking instead of changing the video. Many of the stuff this person went through I'm going through too. No history in the family of heart issues and it happened to them. Now normally I avoid such things because I know I get ideas and with those ideas comes panic attacks. But since I heard "i felt tired for weeks before the heart attack" and "my chest hurt for days before it happened " and you know I start putting them together. And will it was a trigger. And I startputting my symptoms together. I felt like crap on Saturday (vibrating in chest, massive pulsating headache, nausea), should of been a day to be happy and joyful; my nephew who turned one, he's a fighter, multiple surgeries to fix an aneurysm which is still to be fixed. And I'm suffering from the beginnings of anxiety hell. Sunday I felt dizzy and kept loosing my balance, left shoulder and chest pains. And today heart palps, tachycardia, cold pins and needles, shortness of breath and so and I thought man what if I'm on my way to have a heart attack. It happened to this person at 31 so there is no exclusion there is a possibility.
Anxiety, stress, and depression? Are these things really making me feel like death is near my front door?
Or it's really my heart?

Now I'll get the "if it were your heart you'd be dead by now" but in the case of the people in this video. Two 31 year olds and a 2(?) had massive heart attacks with symptoms lasting up to 10 days before they did anything. Will they did but they were brushed of cause they were "young" these cases being that they had no previous family history....... now you are thinking "will they are the sad 2% of the people that just got unlucky and had to go through this", but what if I'm that small percentage??

Aside from the chest discomfort I have neck and head pain oh man two of the symptoms that can be a precursor to the heart attack.

I'm a mess right now. I haven't had any meds for a while and I have 4 Ativans for just in case and I'm taking it.

What do you'll think is there a cause for concern health wise?? Or I'm just in anxiety stupor?

20-12-16, 17:28
All of your symptoms point directly to anxiety and if you have been suffering with anxiety I would go there first. Do not read or watch other people's stories! Every person is different and what happened to someone else is most likely not going to happen to you. I'm not sure how old you are, but with no risk factors for heart attack it is pretty unlikely that you will have one. make an appointment with your doc if you are terribly worried. Doctors know a lot about the heart these days so they will listen and explain why you should not worry. My father in law had a quadruple bipass surgery and was released from the hospital two days later! There have been many advances in cardiology. A doctor will be the best person to put your mind at ease.


21-12-16, 02:07
All of your symptoms point directly to anxiety and if you have been suffering with anxiety I would go there first. Do not read or watch other people's stories! Every person is different and what happened to someone else is most likely not going to happen to you. I'm not sure how old you are, but with no risk factors for heart attack it is pretty unlikely that you will have one. make an appointment with your doc if you are terribly worried. Doctors know a lot about the heart these days so they will listen and explain why you should not worry. My father in law had a quadruple bipass surgery and was released from the hospital two days later! There have been many advances in cardiology. A doctor will be the best person to put your mind at ease.


I know I shouldn't compare myself but I can't help it. I'm 28, and my health fluctuates, my triglycerides at one point did reach a dangerous high of 364, I was pregnant, but as soon as I was done with the pregnancy and did all of what the doctor said to do I got back to normal range, haven't had a blood work don't since last year soooo I don't really know how that is they did warn that if I had it that high again that I was just a ticking time bomb.
Hope your father in law is doing better that's a big one he went through. But you are right there is more advancement in the medical field and it is something that I was told to look for in my CBT sessions.
I'm still having chest discomfort but I'm guessing that's from all the crying I did yesterday. I haven't had that type of crying in ages and I'm aching today.
Thank you for the reply.

21-12-16, 17:48
I have heart worries too. I've been having heart palps for a few days now and i'm always worried something will happen. I hope we can find peace..