View Full Version : Getting My Wisdom Teeth Out Soon!

20-12-16, 06:59
New here! Refugee from Anxiety Zone :weep:

So Yesterday, the 19th was my birthday (couldn't really eat anything :( ) And then now today Im having my wisdom teeth out!
Im having it early in the morning, they are putting me completely under anesthesia so ill be asleep, but Im so worried!

Ive had surgery before when I had my appendix out but it happened so fast! 10 minutes after the CT scan report I was in the operating table.

Do ya'll have any advice? Or any words of wisdom? Will it hurt too much after?

Thanks for the Responses :)

20-12-16, 14:47
Chances are you're sound asleep when I post this, but write back when you're awake again. It'll probably be painful for a couple of days (the place where the former tooth sat, that is) but that's OK, how it should be.

20-12-16, 14:51
I had four out and they were all impacted ... honestly I think being numb annoyed me more than the pain. I don't remember the pain being that bad. And keeping food out of the holes was a pain too but you learn ways around that (like swallowing mac and cheese whole lol). All in all it wasn't so bad and I was glad to have it over with... took about a week to be fully back to normal.

20-12-16, 17:03

I have been put under when I was eight because I needed a few teeth taken out, not because of decay but to make room for my adult teeth, my first dentist knew I will never be able to carry 32 teeth (I know I should knocked off the 4 teeth for wisdom) so possibly a max of 26 or 27 I can carry because of my mouth shape.

I had to go into hospital for this and was in and out in an hour, was put in a chair out like a light, she said to me you cannot go home yet as you are uneasy on your feet

21-12-16, 02:36
Thanks So Much everyone!

Yeah the procedure itself was great just a pinch on the arm but since Ive had so many blood tests and I regularly donate blood, it was no big deal.

I was afraid of getting the IV on my hand, for some reason that really scares me.

They gave me laughing gas, but that didn't work much at all actually I felt no different but then they put my on the anesthesia. and I was OUT.

When I woke up, it didn't hurt much, I touched my lips and panicked because i was still a bit high from the anesthesia, and I was asking y mom what it was, and then my gauze turned all red from blood and fell out and I was crying because i thought my tongue fell out :roflmao:

When the anesthesia wore off though I was in a tremendous amount of pain, it was not till my mom got the pain killers that I felt better, Now Im alright, very swollen but OK! :yesyes:

Thank You guys!